DIN/ISO standardization of in vitro bioassays to determine the endocrine activity of environmental water samples

Within the DIN/ISO group we work on the standardization of the Yeast Estrogen Screen, Aruxula-YES, E-Screen, and ER-CALUX as bioassays to analyze the estrogenic activity of chemicals, wastewater and other environmental samples. We are working on common guidelines and perform round robin studies. The aim of this is to include bioanalytical tools and endocrine endpoints in European and international environmental legislation.

Project partner: Dr. Martin Wagner
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt
Department Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Max-von-Laue-Str. 13
D-60438 Frankfurt am Main
phone ++ 49-69 79842149
fax ++ 49-69 79842141
e-mail: wagner(at)bio.uni-frankfurt.de

Principle investigators
Martin Wagner (wagner@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)