Diana C. Abondano Almeida

Diana Abondano Almeida, originally from Colombia, received her BSc in Biology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in 2009, and her Master´s in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Jyväskylä, in Finland in 2017. In her Master´s thesis, she studied the plasticity induced by predation pressure in the aposematic wood tiger moth larva. Since 2014 she has been working with different aposematic organisms (Lepidoptera) and assisting projects investigating the causes for colour polymorphism, predator-prey interaction, and the genetic basis of reproductive and ecological isolation between sympatric species. In August 2018 she joined the WZS-Lab to do her PhD on Chemical communication in neotropical frogs.

e-mail: AbondanoAlmeida@bio.uni-frankfurt.de
phone: (+49)-069-798-42211
room: 2.416