About Us

pbioc worldmap 2019

The MSc Physical Biology of Cells and Cell Interactions has a strong international orientation.
Since the start of the program in 2015, students from more than 22 countries began their studies.

Every year, 18 new PBioC students begin their Master studies.


Interview with PBioC Master students.

This video was produced by the student initiative RiedbergTV. More videos can be found on www.riedberg.TV.

Programme Organisation

The programme is organised by the director of the programme, the coordinator, the examinations office and the examination and study committee.

Programme Director

Prof. Dr. Stefan Eimer, Institute of Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Deputy Programme Director

Prof. Dr. Ernst H.K. Stelzer, Institute of Cell Biology and Neuroscience

Programme Coordinator

Fabian Reinisch

Programme Coordinator (on parental leave until summer 2024)

Dr. Isabell Schmitz

Examination Office

Sandra Luckert

Examination and Study Committee

The examination and study comittee is responsible for the implementation of the MSc programme and all organisational matters. In addition, the examination and study committee decides on the acceptance of applicants to the programme, approves courses that will be accepted for credits towards a degree. The examination and study committee consists of a group of professors, scientific employees and students. The committee meets at least once per semester.

Student Representative

A group of four students represents all students in the MSc programme. To get in touch with the students of the programme through the student represenatives, please contact studentrepresentative-pbioc(at)dlist.server.uni-frankfurt.de.
