PhD student association

We are a group of PhD students from different institutes at Faculty 15 – Biological Sciences (Fachbereich 15 – Biowissenschaften) at the Goethe University Frankfurt working towards improving the work life and study conditions of PhD candidates at our faculty. We are always looking for motivated PhD students to join our team and support us in organizing social and scientific events, connecting PhD students across research groups and institutes.

Florence Schempp

Industrial Biotechnology (DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut)

Julia Ratke

AK Stelzer - Physical Biology

Liv Celin Krämer

AK Büchel – Molecular Plant Physiology

Michael Koch

AK Stelzer - Physical Biology

Jenny Gübert

AK Dierkes – Zooanimal Biology

Tim Liebisch

AK Matthäus (FIAS) – Life Sciences

Our aims:
  • Better representation of PhD students' interests and needs in the university's boards and committees (especially the PhD committee)
  • Support for PhD students in all questions and concerns regarding their studies
  • Promote social networking and scientific exchange within the faculty
How you can help:
  • Subscribe to our mailing list and inform other PhD students of the faculty about us 
  • Contact us with your ideas on how to improve work life and study conditions of PhD students
  • Help us in organizing scientific and social events
  • We are looking for people to join working groups: a working group is a bunch of people who work together on one topic like:
    • Planning social events (e.g. barbecues, “Stammtisch")
    • Planning scientific events (e.g. symposia, science slams, journal clubs)
    • Support us in our work at the PhD council (Promovierendenrat)
    • We are urgently looking for someone to support and maintain this homepage (and set up a social media network)
How to contact us

Useful Links


Here we translated the organization chart of our university's PhD student associations and the PhD student council, which should give you an overview of the activities and functions of the single bodies within the associations and the council. More information will be following soon via the homepage of the university's PhD council (Promovierendenrat).