DynaMem - The Project

DynaMem combines research approaches of the basic behavior of biological membranes, the dynamics of membranes, membrane systems and organelles in cellular, supra-cellular context and also at level of organisms to understand basic principles of dynamics and their significance in a cellular context in a long term run. Detailed analyses of new aspects of membrane dynamics will lead to knowledge which leads to new strategies for the development of therapeutically approaches. According to this scientific overall concept DynaMem is structured into three interconnecting key aspects: (A) Manipulation of membrane functions, (B) Cellular manipulation of membrane dynamics, (C) Dynamics of membrane systems and organelles.

The aim of the key aspect “manipulation of membrane functions” is to illustrate the influence of small molecules and peptides with the potential to dramatically change membrane properties on membrane structure and dynamics. The functionality will be analyzed using model membranes on the one hand and cellular systems on the other. The key aspect “cellular manipulation of membrane dynamics” investigates the effects of membrane-associated complexes on membrane dynamics. Macromolecular complexes play a prominent roll, because they influence the bending, the adhesion, and the compartmentalization in time and space.  Finally the key aspect “dynamics of membrane systems and organelles” will survey the membrane modification as causality and case on hand of complex model organisms. At least - assuming sufficient data content - membrane dynamics will be algorithmically described and modeled allowing predictions of the dynamic behavior of membranes and the impact of membrane manipulation.


Dr. Bernd Märtens

Research Service Center
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Max-von-Laue-Str. 9
60348 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069/798-49418

Main Research Focus DynaMem


Membrane Dynamics:
Molecular basic principles and theoretical description


Kapitel 15 02,

Förderbuchungskreis 2995
Förderprodukt 11-

Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz (LOEWE)

DynaMem started on
January 1st 2018 with 4 years duration.