Prof. Dr. Manfred Kössl

Head of AK Neurobiology and Biological Sensors


By presenting tone complexes to the ear that will produce mechanical distortions in the cochlea, we study the neuronal computation of cochlea-generated otoacoustic emissions. One of our main aims is to investigate the role of cochlear two-tone distortions for pitch-perception.

In addition we investigate neuronal computation of auditory streaming by presenting melody-like sequences of the tone pulses and analysing neuronal preferences to specific parts of the auditory stream.

Methods: Simultaneous OAE-recording and extracellular neuronal recordings, acoustic masking techniques.

Support: DFG Ko987/9-1

Boa and Pteronotus parnellii

The postnatal development of time-sensitive neuronal circuits is investigated in the secondary auditory cortex of the bats Pteronotus parnelii and Carollia perspicillata. Specifically, we study the physiological and neuroanatomical properties of delay-sensitive neurons that use the delay between echolocation call and echo to derive the target distance during echolocation. The studies on P. parnelli are performed in Cuba. Here we have access to young mustached bats that are reared in maternity colonies in hot caves. The project is a collaboration between the Univ. of Frankfurt, the Univ. of Potsdam, and the Univ. of Havana.

Methods: Extracellular recording techniques, immuno-histochemistry, acoustic deprivation techniques

Support: DFG Ko987/10-1

Basalturn of Pteronotus parnellii
(Picture: M. Vater)

Animals adapted to different acoustic environment are investigated in terms of their ear mechanics.
In mammals, the focus of the project is on how efferent innervation to the outer hair cells influences the cochlear amplifier. As model species we use humans, gerbils and two bat species, Carollia perspicillata and Pteronotus parnellii. The mustached bat, P. parnellii, has a dedicated constant-frequency (CF) echolocation system and an auditory fovea in the inner ear that produces extreme frequency resolution and high sensitivity to CF-echoes.
In insects, we focus on the role of putative motor proteins for sensory transduction in the scolopidia of tym­panal organs in bush crickets, locusts, and moths. In addition we study the action of insecticides on the sensory neurons in insects.

Methods: Noninvasive measurement of Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs), electrophysiology, laser-interferometry, immuno-histochemistry, in-situ hybridisation, gene-sequencing, modelling.

Support: DFG Ko987/8-2, Jürgen Manchot Foundation, Evangelisches Studienwerk


García-Rosales, F.; López-Jury, L.; González-Palomares, E.; Wetekam, J.; Cabral-Calderín, Y.; Kiai, A.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarría, J.C., (2022):
Echolocation-related reversal of information flow in a cortical vocalization network.
Nature Communications, 13(1): 1-15.

Wetekam, J.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Lopez-Jury, L.; Kössl, M., (2021):
Correlates of deviance detection in auditory brainstem responses of bats
European Journal of Neuroscience,55 (6): 1601-1613.

Lopez-Jury, L.; Garcia-Rosales, F.; Gonzalez-Palomares, E.;, Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C., (2021):
Acoustic context modulates natural sound discrimination in auditory cortex through frequency specific adaptation.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 41 (50): 1026110277.

Beetz, M. J.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarría, J. C., (2021):
The frugivorous bat Carollia perspicillata dynamically changes echolocation parameters in response to acoustic playback.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 224 (6)

Garcia-Rosales, F.; Lopez-Jury, L.; Gonzalez-Palomares, E.; Cabral-Calderin, Y.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C., (2020):
Phase-amplitude coupling profiles differ in frontal and auditory cortices of bats.

European Journal of Neuroscience, 00: 1-19. 

Hechavarría, J. C.; Beetz, M. J.; García-Rosales, F.; Kössl, M., (2020):
Bats distress vocalizations carry fast amplitude modulations that could represent an acoustic correlate of roughness.
Scientific Reports, 10 (1): 1-20.

Wetekam, J.; Reissig, C.; Hechavarria, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2019):
Auditory brainstem responses in the bat Carollia perspicillata: threshold calculation and relation to audiograms based on otoacoustic emission measurement.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 206: 95-101.

García-Rosales, F.; Röhrig, D.; Weineck, K.; Röhm, M.; Lin, Y. H.; Cabral-Calderin, Y.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C., (2019):
Laminar specificity of oscillatory coherence in the auditory cortex.
Brain Structure and Function, 224 (8): 2907-2924.

Beetz, M. J.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarría, J. C., (2019):
Adaptations in the call emission pattern of frugivorous bats when orienting under challenging conditions.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A,  205: 457. 

García-Rosales, F.; Martin, L. M.; Beetz, M. J.; Cabral-Calderin, Y.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarría, J. C., (2018):
Low-Frequency Spike-Field Coherence Is a Fingerprint of Periodicity Coding in the Auditory Cortex.
iScience, 9: 47-62.

García-Rosales, F.; Beetz, M. J.; Cabral-Calderin, Y.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C., (2018):
Neuronal coding of multiscale temporal features in communication sequences within the bat auditory cortex.
Communications Biology, 1: 200.

Lee, J. H.; Lewis, K. M.; Moural, T. W.; Kirilenko, B.; Borgonovo, B.; Prange, G.; Kössl, M.; Huggenberger, S.; Kang, C. H.; Hiller, M., (2018):
Molecular parallelism in fast-twitch muscle proteins in echolocatin mammals.
Science Advances, 4 (9): eaat9660.

Beetz, M. J.; García-Rosales, F.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarría, J. C., (2018):
Robustness of cortical and subcortcal processing in the presence of natural masking sounds.
Scientific Reports, 8: 6863.

Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2018):
Smart bats click twice.
eLife, 7: e36561.

Beetz, M. J.; Kordes, S.; García-Rosales, F.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarría, J. C., (2017):
Processing of Natural Echolocation Sequences in the Inferior Colliculus of Seba's Fruit Eating Bat, Carollia perspicillata.
eNeuro, 4 (6): 314-317.

Schaefer, M. K.; Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C., (2017):
Laminar differences in response to simple and spectro-temporally complex sounds in the primary auditory cortex of ketmine-anesthetized gerbils.
Plos One, 12 (8): e0182514.

Kössl, M.; Hechavarría, J. C., (2017):
Die Zeitkarte im Gehirn - Wie Feldermäuse Raum in Zeit übersetzen.
Forschung Frankfurt, 1.2017.

Cobo-Cuan, A.; Kössl, M.; Mora, E. C., (2017):
Hearing diversity in moths confronting a neotropical bat Assemblage.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 203: 707-715.

Hummel, J.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2017):
Morpholgical basis for the tonotopic dsign of an insect ear.
Journal of Comparative Neurology,  525 (10): 2443-2455.

Hechavarría, J. C.; Beetz, M. J.; Macias, S.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Vocal sequences suppress spiking in the bat auditory cortex while evoking concomitant steady-state local field potentials.
Scientific Reports, 6: 39226.

Beetz, M. J.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Cortical neurons of bats respond best to echoes from nearest targets when listening to natural biosonar multi-echo streams.
Scientific Reports, 6: 35991.

Macías, S.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Sharp temporal tuning in the bat auditory midbrain overcomes spectral-temporal trade-off imposed by cochlear mechanics.
Scientific Reports, 6: 29129.

Beetz, M. J.; Hechavarría J. C.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Temporal tuning in the bat auditory cortex is sharper when studied with natural echolocation sequences.
Scientific Reports, 6: 29102.

Hechavarría, J. C.; Beetz, M. J.; Macias, S.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Distress vocalization sequences broadcasted by bats carry redundant information.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 202: 503-15.

Macías, S.; Mora, E. C.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Echo-level compensation and delay tuning in the auditory cortex of the mustached bat.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (12): 1647-1660.

Hummel, J.; Schöneich, S.; Kössl, M.; Scherberich, J.; Hedwig, B.; Prinz, S.; Nowotny, M., (2016):
Gating of Acoustic Transducer Channels Is Shaped by Biomechanical Filter Processes.
Journal of Neuroscience, 36 (8): 2377-2382.

Jäger, K.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Corticofugal Modulation of DPOAEs in Gerbils.
Hearing Research, 332: 61-72.

Macías, S.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Temporal encoding precision of bat auditory neurons tuned to target distance deteriorates on the way to the cortex.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 202 (3): 195-202.


Beetz, M. J.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2016):
Precise target-distance coding during cortical suppression in echolocating bats.
"Twelfth Congress of the International Society of Neuroethology" (Montevideo, Uruguay, 30th March- 3rd April 2016).

Schaefer, M.; Hechavarria, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2015):
Quantification of mid and late evoked sinks in laminar current source density profiles of columns in the primary auditory cortex. frontiers.
Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 9: 52.

Mora, E. C.; Cobo-Cuan, A.; Macias-Escriva, F.; Kössl, M., (2015):
Unexpected dynamic up‑tuning of auditory organs in day‑flying moths.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 201: 657-666.

Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C.; Voss, C.; Schaefer, M.; Vater, M., (2015):
Bat auditory cortex - model for general mammalian auditory computation or special design solution for active time perception?
European Journal of Neuroscience, 41 (5): 518-532.

Macías, S.; Hernández-Abad, A.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M.; Mora, E. C., (2015):
Level-tolerant duration selectivity in the auditory cortex of the velvety free-tailed bat Molossus molossus.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 201: 461-471.

Nowotny, M.; Hummel, J.; Kössl, M.; Palgath Udajashankar, A., (2015):
Mechanical investigations of sound-induced responses in a simple ear.
Mechanics of Hearing. Corey D.P. and Karavitaki K.D. (Eds.). World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong


Hummel, J.; Schöneich, S.; Hedwig, B.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2015):
Auditory tuning in an insect ear.
“Eleventh Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society" (Göttingen, Germany, 18.-21. March 2015).

Beetz, M. J.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2015):
About how cortical neurons of bats cope with fast echolocation sequences: Multi-electrode and single-electrode recordings with natural echolocation stimuli.
“Eleventh Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society" (Göttingen, Germany, 18.-21. March 2015).

Hummel, J.; Schöneich, S.; Hedwig, B.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2015):
Mechanical and electrical tuning in the auditory system of bushcrickets.
“38th MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology" (Baltimore, MD, USA, 21.-25. February 2015).

Hummel, J.; Wolf, K.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2014):
Processing of simple and complex acoustic signals in a tonotopically organized ear.
Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 281 (1796): 20141872.

Kugler, K.; Wiegrebe, L.; Grothe, B.; Kössl, M.; Gürkov, R.; Krause, E.; Drexl, M., (2014):
Low-frequency sound affects active micromechanics in the human inner ear.
Royal Society Open Science, 1 (2): 140166.

Schlenther, D.; Voss, C.; Kössl, M., (2014):
Influence of Ketamine-Xylazine Anaesthesia on Cubic and Quadratic High-Frequency Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions.
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 15: 695-705.

Möckel, D.; Nowotny, M.; Kössl, M., (2014):
Mechanical basis of otoacoustic emissions in tympanal hearing organs.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 200 (7): 681-691. 

Hechavarria, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2014):
Footprints of inhibition in the response of cortical delay-tuned neurons of bats.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 111 (8): 1703-1716.

Kössl, M.; Hechavarria, J. C.; Voss, C.; Macias, S.; Mora, E. C.; Vater, M., (2014):
Neural maps for target range in the auditory cortex of echolocating bats.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 24: 68-75.

Palgath Udajashankar, A.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2014):
Traveling wave energy is lateralized in the hearing organ of bushcrickets.
Plos One, 9 (1): e86090.


Hummel, J.; Schöneich, S.; Hedwig, B.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M. (2014):
Mechanical and electrical tuning in a tonotopically organized insect ear.
“12th International Workshop in Mechanics of Hearing" (Cape Sounio, Greece, 23.-29. June 2014).

Nowotny, M.; Hummel, J.; Kössl, M.; Palghat Udayashankar, A. (2014):
Mechanical Investigations of Sound-Induced Responses in a Simple Ear.
“12th International Workshop in Mechanics of Hearing" (Cape Sounio, Greece, 23.-29. June 2014).

Hummel, J.; Schöneich, S.; Hedwig, B.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M. (2014):
Auditory tuning in an insext ear.
“Eleventh Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society" (Göttingen, Germany, 18.-21. March 2015).

Hechavarría, J. C.; Macías, S.; Vater, M.; Voss, C.; Mora, E. C.; Kössl, M., (2013):
Blurry topography for precise target-distance computations in the auditory cortex of echolocating bats.
Nature Communications, 4: 2587.

Mora, E. C.; Cobo-Cuan, A.; Macías, F.; Pérez, M.; Nowotny, M.; Kössl, M., (2013):
Mechanical tuning of the moth ear: distortion-product otoacoustic emissions and tympanal vibrations.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 3863-3872.

Mora, E. C.; Macías, S.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2013):
Evolution of the heteroharmonic strategy for target-range computation in the echolocation of Mormoopidae.
Frontiers in Physiology, 4: 141.

Macías, S.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M.; Mora, E. C., (2013):
Neurons in the inferior colliculus of the mustached bat are tuned both to echo-delay and sound duration.
Neuroreport, 24 (8): 404-409.

Macías, S.; Mora, E. C.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2013):
Properties of echo delay-tuning receptive fields in the inferior colliculus of the mustached bat.
Hearing Research, 286 (1-2): 1-8.

Hechavarría, J. C.; Macías, S.; Vater, M.; Mora, E. C.; Kössl, M., (2013):
Evolution of neuronal mechanisms for echolocation: specializations for target-range computation in bats of the genus Pteronotus.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133 (1): 570-578.


Möckel, D.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2013):
Mechanical two-tone-distortions in the tympanum motion of locusts.
10th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society: T17-3A.

Möckel, D;, Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2013):
Mechanical two-tone-distortions in the movement of the tympanal membrane of insects.
36th Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology: 166.

Hummel, J.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2013):
Mechanical and neuronal processing of frequencies contained in the conspecific song of Mecopoda elongata.
(“Invertebrate Sound and Vibration Meeting 2013", Glasgow, UK, 22.-26. July 2013).

Möckel, D.; Lang, J.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2012):
Temperature-dependence of DPOAEs in tympanal organs.
Journal of Experimental Biology,

Kössl, M.; Voss, C.; Mora, E. C.; Macias, S.; Foeller, E.; Vater, M., (2012):
Auditory cortex of newborn bats is prewired for echolocation.
Nature Communications, 3: 773.

Macías, S.; Mora, E. C.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2012):
Properties of echo delay-tuning receptive fields in the inferior colliculus of the mustached bat.
Hearing Research, 286 (1-2): 1-8

Althen, H.; Wittekindt, A.; Gaese, B. H.; Kössl, M.; Abel, C., (2012):
Effect of contralateral pure tone stimulation on distortion emissions suggests a frequency specific functioning of the efferent cochlear control.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 107 (7): 1962-1969

Palghat Udayashankar, A.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2012):
In-vivo measurements of tonotopically ordered traveling waves.
Plos One, 7 (2): e31008.

Kössl, M.; Möckel, D., (2012):
Measurement of sensitive distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in insect tympanal organs.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 215 (3): 566-567.


Nowotny M., Palghat Udayashankar A., Hummel J., Kössl M. (2012):
Sound-induced force transuction in the bushcricket hearing. Force Transduction and Emerging Ion Channels 2012
(Berlin, Germany, 9.-12.05.2012).

Hummel J., Wolf K., Kössl M. und Nowotny M. (2012):
Auditory Processing and Frequency Analysis in the hearing organ of Mecopoda elongata. rmn² Rhine-Main-Neuroscience Network
(Oberwesel, Germany, 20.-22. June 2012).

Hummel J., Wolf K., Kössl M. und Nowotny M. (2012):
The role of tympanal membranes and its relationship to sensory output (& frequency analysis in the hearing organ of bushcrickets).
8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience (Barcelona, Spain, 14.-18. July 2012).

Schaefer M., Voss C., Kössl M. (2012):
Laminar differences in the response properties of auditory cortex neurons in the short-tailed fruit bat during stimulation with echolocation signals.
2nd Rhine - Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²) in Oberwesel: #58

Macías, S.; Mora, E. C.; Hechavarría, J. C.; Kössl, M., (2011):
Duration tuning in the inferior colliculus of the mustached bat.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 106 (6): 3119-3128.

Möckel, D.; Seyfarth, E. A.; Kössl, M., (2011):
Otoacoustic emissions in bushcricket ears: general characteristics and the influence of the neuroactive insecticide pymetrozine.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 197: 193-202.

Hummel, J.; Kössl, M.; Nowotny, M., (2011):
Sound-induced tympanal membrane motion in bushcrickets and its relationship to sensory output.
Journal of Experimental Biololgy, 214: 3596-3604.

Hechavarría, J. C.; Cobo, A. T.; Fernández, Y.; Macías, S.; Kössl, M.; Mora, E. C., (2011):
Sound evoked oscillation and paradoxical latency shift in the inferior colliculus neurons of the big fruit-eating bat, Artibeus jamaicensis.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 197: 11591172.

Nowotny, M.; Remus, M.; Kössl, M.; Gaese, B.H., (2011):
Characterization of the Perceived Sound of Traum-Induced Tinnitus in Gerbils.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130 (5): 2827-2834.

Bäuerle, P.; von der Behrens, W.; Kössl, M.; Gaese, B. H., (2011):
Stimulus-specific adaptation in the gerbil primary auditory thalamus is the result of a fast frequency-specific habituation and is regulated by the corticofugal system.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (26): 9708-9722. 

Hagemann, C.; Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2011):
Comparison of properties of cortical echo delay-tuning in the short-tailed fruit bat and the mustached bat.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 197: 605-613.

Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2011):
Comparative aspects of cochlear functional organization in mammals.
Hearing Research, 273 (1-2): 89-99.


Voss C.; Kössl M., (2011):
Postnatal development of delay-sensitive neurons in the auditory cortex of the short-tailed fruit bat.
9th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society: T18-6C

Schlenther D.; Voss C.; Kössl M., (2011):
Cubic and quadratic distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) in awake and anesthetized short-tailed fruit bats.
9th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society: T17-6A

Nowotny M.; Remus M.; Kössl M.; Gaese B. H., (2011):
Trauma-induced tinnitus in gerbils centers around the induction frequency.
Santi PA (ed.) Abstracts of the 34th Annual Midwinter Research Meeting., Association for Research in Otolaryngology.# 188

Hummel J.; Kössl M.; Nowotny M., (2011):
Does the auditory nerve activity reflect the tympanal membrane motion in bushcrickets?
8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. # T17-8A.

Lang J.; Kössl M.; Nowotny M., (2011):
Temperature dependence of DPOAEs in grasshoppers.
8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. # T17-2C.

Remus M.; Gaese B.; Kössl M.; Nowotny M., (2011):
Trauma-induced tinnitus in gerbils centers around the induction frequency.
8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. # T17-8C.

Udajashankar A.P.; Kössl M.; Nowotny M., (2011):
Auditory mechanics of bushcrickets in-vivo.
8th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. # T17-4A.

Nowotny, M.; Hummel, J.; Weber, M.; Möckel, D.; Kössl, M., (2010):
Acoustic-induced motion of the bushcricket (Mecopoda elongata, Tettigoniidae) tympanum.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 196: 939-945.

Hagemann, C.; Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2010):
Comparison of properties of cortical echo delay-tuning in the short-tailed fruit bat and the mustached bat.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 197: 605-613.

Vater, M.; Föller, E.; Mora, E. C.; Coro, F.; Russell, I. J.; Kössl, M., (2010):
Postnatal maturation of primary auditory  cortex in the mustached bat, Pteronotus parnellii.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 103 (5): 2339-2354

Hagemann, C.; Esser, K. H.; Kössl, M., (2010):
Chronotopically organized target distance map in the auditory cortex of the Short-tailed Fruit Bat.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 103 (1): 222-333.

von der Behrens, W.; Bäuerle, P.; Kössl, M.; Gaese, B. H., (2009):
Correlating Stimulus-Specific Adaptation of Cortical Neurons and Local Field Potentials in the Awake Rat.
Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (44): 13837-13849

Abel, C.; Wittekindt, A.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Contralateral acoustic stimulation modulates low-frequency biasing of DPOAE - efferent influence on cochlear amplifier operating state?
Journal of Neurophysiology, 101 (5): 2362-2371.

Macias, S.; Mora, E. C.; Kössl, M.; Abel, C.; Foeller, E., (2009):
The auditory cortex of the bat Molossus molossus : Disproportionate search call frequency representation.
Hearing Research, 250 (1-2): 19-26.

Abel, C.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Sensitive response to low-frequency cochlear distortion products in the auditory midbrain.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 101 (3): 1560-1574.

Wittekindt, A.; Abel, C.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Shifting the operating point of cochlear amplification? Impact of low frequency biasing and contralateral sound stimulation on DPOAE.
Cooper, N.P. and Kemp, D.T. (Eds.): Concepts and Challenges in the Biophysics of Hearing. World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: 190-195.

Wittekindt, A.. Gaese, B. H., Kössl, M., (2009):
Influence of contralateral acoustic stimulation on the quadratic distortion product f2-f1 in humans.
Hearing Research, 247 (1): 27-33.


Nowotny, M.; Möckel, D.; Weber, M.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Sound induced vibration pattern on the tympanal membranes of the bushcricket Mecopoda elongata.
Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society: T17-1C.

Althen, H.; Wittekindt, A.; Abel, C.; Gaese, B. H.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Contralateral sound alters the f2-f1 distortion product otoacoustic emission - Frequency specificity and impact of primary tone level.
Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society: T17-4B.

Abel, C.; Wittekindt, A.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Effects of contralateral noise stimulation and low frequency biasing on DPOAE? Changing the operating state of cochlear amplification? 
Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society: T17-8A

Hagemann, C.; Esser, K. H.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Delay-sensitive neurons in the auditory cortex of the Phyllostomid bat, Carollia perspicillata.
Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society: T18-1A

Hagemann, C.; Esser, K. H.; Kössl, M., (2009):
Chronotopic organization in the auditory cortex of the FM bat Carollia perspicillata .
Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs 145: 392.

Kössl, M.; Hagemann, C.; Foeller, E.; Mora, E.; Macias, S.; Vater, M., (2009):
Cortical delay-tuning in young mustached bats.
Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs 296: 658

Kössl, M.; Möckel, D.; Weber, M.; Seyfarth, E.-A., (2008):
Schallemissionen aus Insektenohren: Hinweis auf aktives Hören?
Neuroforum, 14 (1): 166-173.

Kössl, M.; Möckel, D.; Weber, M.; Seyfarth, E.-A., (2008):
Otoacoustic emissions from insect ears: evidence of active hearing?
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 194: 597-609.

Eckrich, T.; Foeller, E.; Stuermer, I. W.; Gaese, B. H.; Kössl, M., (2008):
Strain-dependence of age-related cochlear hearing loss in wild and domesticated Mongolian gerbils.
Hearing Research, 235 (1-2): 72-79.


Möckel, D.; Seyfarth, E.-A.; Kössl, M., (2008):
Sources of otoacoustic emissions from tympanal organs in insects.
FENS Abstr 4: 087.13.

Kössl, M.; Coro, F.; Seyfarth, E.-A.; Nässig, W. A., (2007):
Otoacoustic emissions from insect ears having just one auditory neuron.
Journal of Comparative Physiologie, A 193: 909-915.

Möckel, D.; Seyfarth, E.-A.; Kössl, M., (2007):
The generation of DPOAEs in the locust ear is contingent upon the sensory neurons.
Journal of Comparative Physiologie A, 193: 871-879.

Marsch, R.; Foeller, E.; Rammes, G.; Bunck, M.; Kössl, M.; Holsboer, F.; Zieglgänsberger, W.; Landgraf, R.; Lutz, B.; Wotjak, C. T., (2007):
Reduced Anxiety, Conditioned Fear, and Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation in Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 1 Receptor-Deficient Mice.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 27 (4): 832-839.


Möckel, D.; Seyfarth, E.-A.; Kössl, M., (2007):
Tympanal sensilla generate DPOAEs in the locust ear.
Neuroforum 07 (1): T18-6B.

von der Behrens, W.; Kössl, M.; Gaese, B. H., (2007):
Neuronal Adaptation to Pure Tone Stimuli in the Awake Rat Auditory Cortex.
Neuroforum 07 (1): T19-13A.

Möckel, D.; Kössl, M.; Seyfarth, E.-A., (2007):
Pymetrozine, a neuroactive insecticide, reduces otoacoustic emissions in the bushcricket ear.
10th Meeting Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA), Seggauberg: P37.

von der Behrens, W.; Kössl, M.; Gaese, B. H., (2007):
Parameters Influencing Neuronal Adaptation to Pure Tone Stimuli in the Awake Rat Auditory Cortex.
Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs: 405.

Kössl, M.; Coro, F., (2006):
L1,L2 maps of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions from a moth ear with only two auditory receptor neurons.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120 (6): 3824-3831.

Macias, S.; Mora, E. C.; Coro, F.; Kössl, M., (2006):
Threshold minima and maxima in the behavioral audiograms of the bats Artibeus jamaicensis and Eptesicus fuscus are not produced by cochlear mechanics.
Hearing Research, 212 (1-2): 245-250.


Möckel, D.; Seyfarth, E.-A.; Kössl, M., (2006):
DPOAEs in the locust depend on the integrity of the sensory organ.
Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs: 23.

Döbler, S.; Föller, E.; Kössl, M., (2006):
Frequency-specific contralateral influence on DPOAE in the short-tailed fruit bat.
FENS Abstr 3: A 038.4.

Weber, M.; Baumgarten, D.; Winter; H.; Kössl, M.; Seyfarth, E.-A., (2006):
Active hearing in the bushcricket, Mecopoda elongata .
FENS Abstr 3: A 038.24.

Foeller, E.; Vater, M.; Mora, E.; Coro, F.; Kössl, M., (2006):
Postnatal maturation of representation of target distance in the auditory cortex of the mustached bat.
FENS Abstr 3: A 180.5

Schützner, P.; Bäuerle, P.; Kössl, M., (2006):
Level-dependency of neuronal correlates for auditory streaming in the primary auditory cortex of the Mongolian gerbil.
FENS Abstr 3: A 180.18.

Wittekindt, A.; Drexl, M.; Kössl, M., (2005):
Cochlear Sensitivity in the lesser spear-nosed bat Phyllostomus discolor.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 191: 31-36.


Isheim, D.; Gaese, B. H.; Kössl, M., (2005):
Representation of temporally structured acoustic stimuli in gerbil auditory cortical neurons: Influences of repetition rate and sound intensity.
Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs: 345.

Isheim, D.; Gaese, B. H.; Kössl, M., (2005):
Temporal processing of modulated acoustic stimuli in gerbil primary auditory cortex.
Neuroforum, 5 (1): 103 A

Weber, M.; Kössl, M.; Volknandt, W.; Seyfarth, E.-A., (2005):
Acetylcholine is a transmitter candidate in sensory neurons of the bushcricket ear (Mecopoda elongata).
Neuroforum, 5 (1): 94 A.

Foeller, E.; Mora, E.; Kössl, M., (2005):
Topographic organization of the auditory cortex of the bat Molossus molossus .
Neuruforum, 5 (1): 112 A.

Drexl, M.; Henke, J.; Kössl, M., (2004):
Isoflurane increases amplitude and incidence of evoked and spontaneous otoacoustic emissions.
Hearing Research, 194 (1-2): 135-142.

Mora, E. C., Kössl, M., (2004):
Ambiguities in sound-duration selectivity by neurons in the inferior colliculus of the bat Molossus molossus from Cuba.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 91 (5): 2215-2226.

Mora, E. C.; Macias, S.; Vater, M.; Coro, F.; Kössl, M., (2004):
Specializations for aerial hawking in the echolocation system of Molossus molossus (Molossidae, Chiroptera).
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 190: 561-574.

Russell, I. J.; Drexl, M.; Foeller, E.; Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2003):
The development of a single frequency place in the mammalian cochlea: the cochlear resonance in the mustached bat Pteronotus parnellii. 
The Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (34): 10971-10981.

Drexl, M., Faulstich, M.; von Stebut, B.; Radtke-Schuller, S.; Kössl, M., (2003):
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions and auditory evoked potentials in the hedgehog tenrec, Echinops telfairi.
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 4 (4): 555-564.

Russell, I. J.; Drexl, M.; Foeller, E.; Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2003):
Synchronization of a nonlinear oscillator: processing the cf component of the echo-response signal in the cochlea of the mustached bat.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (29): 9508-9518.

Vater, M.; Kössl, M.; Foeller, E.; Coro, F.; Mora, E.; Russell, I. J., (2003):
Development of echolocation calls in the mustached bat, Pteronotus parnellii.
Journal of Neurophysiology 90 (4): 2274-2290.

Kössl, M.; Foeller, E.; Drexl, M.; Vater, M.; Mora, E.; Coro, F.; Russell, I. J., (2003):
Postnatal development of cochlear function in the mustached bat, Pteronotus parnellii.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 90 (4): 2261-2273.

Drexl, M.; Kössl, M., (2003):
Sound-evoked efferent effects on cochlear mechanics of the mustached bat.
Hearing Research, 184 (1-2): 61-74.

Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2003):
The ears of whales and bats.
Thomas, J. A., Moss, C., Vater, M., (Hrsg.): Echolocation in bats and dolphins. Chicago, Univ of Chicago Press: 89-99.

Kössl, M.; Foeller, E.; Faulstich, M, (2003):
Otoacoustic emissions and cochlear mechanisms in echolocationg bats.
Thomas, J. A., Moss, C., Vater, M., (Hrsg.): Echolocation in bats and dolphins. Chicago, Univ of Chicago Press: 104-109.


Abel, C.; Plassmann, W.; Kössl, M., (2003):
Comparison of auditory threshold curves measured with autoacoustic emissions and evoked cochlear potentials in the gerbil.
Elsner, N., Zimmermann, H., (Hrsg.): The Neurosciences from Basic Research to Therapy. Proceedings of the 29th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 2003. Stuttgart, Georg Thieme: 427.

Wittekindt, A.; Drexl, M.; Kössl, M., (2003):
Cochlear sensitivity in the lesser spear-nosed bat, Phyllostomus discolor .
Elsner, N., Zimmermann, H., (Hrsg.): The Neurosciences from Basic Research to Therapy. Proceedings of the 29th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 2003. Stuttgart, Georg Thieme: 427.

Pibal, I.; Drexl, M.; Kössl, M., (2002):
Level dependence of optimal stimulus level difference for evoking DPOAEs in the gerbil.
Hearing Research, 174 (1-2): 260-263.

Weissenbacher, P.; Drexl, M.; Kössl, M., (2002):
The effect of preceding sonar emission on temporal integration in the bat, Megaderma lyra.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 188: 147-155.

Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2002):
Für ein paar Motten mehr.
Spektrum der Wissenschaft (Hrsg.): Gehirn & Geist. Band 4, Heidelberg, Spektrum der Wissenschaft: 76-81.

Coro, F.; Kössl, M., (2001):
Components of the 2f(1)-f(2) distortion-product otoacoustic emission in a moth.
Hearing Research, 162 (1-2): 126-133.

Foeller, E.; Vater, M.; Kössl, M., (2001):
Laminar analysis of inhibition in the gerbil primary auditory cortex.
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2 (3): 279-296.