Fields of Research

Anabaena lab figure v2.1


30.07.2011 14:00 Uhr

Anabaena sp. PCC7120, a model for cell differentiation and chloroplast evolution

Cyanobacteria are a group of prokaryotic organisms characterized by their ability to fix CO2 by oxygenic photosynthesis. They are considered the ancestors of the chloroplasts and the inventors of oxygenic photosynthesis, and are among the most important primary producers of the planet. They represent a phylogenetically coherent group, but show a very diverse morphology and have colonized a wide diversity of habitats. read more



In contrast to bacteria, a higher complexity of eukaryotic cells comprises tissue specific expression of genes, occurrence of post-transcriptional changes and alternative splice forms. Analyzing tissue and stress dependent expression on transcriptomic and proteomic level could give insights in core sets of plant specific expression patterns. Furthermore, comparing the expression pattern and function as well as the gene composition in different plant species can clarify the evolution of plants. Besides analysis of structural and domain architecture on RNA and protein level to detect possible motifs which are required for targeting or stress related answers are of interest. read more

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Heat Stress

The function of cytosolic, high molecular weight chaperones in protein sorting and regulation of protein homeostasis

Molecular chaperones form a network of proteins involved in the control of the cellular protein homeostasis under normal and stressful growth conditions. In plants they are encoded by several multigene families of an unusually high complexity. This can only partially be explained by specific developmental and stress-induced expression patterns of individual members in each family and/or by differences in the subcellular distribution of the corresponding proteins. read more

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Protein Transport

The eukaryotic cell is characterized by a high degree of compartimentalisation. In general, almost all proteins residing in the various organelles are synthezied on cytosolic ribosomes and are co- or postranslationally imported (e.g. into the endoplasmic reticulum or the peroxisomes). For this purpose, sophisticated systems for proper recognition, targeting and translocation are required, which can be adapted to cellular or environmental changes. Although the mechanisms are different for the single compartments, general principles of these processes can be derived. The endosymbiontic organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts) are exceptional since they are bound by two envelope membranes across which they have to import more than 90% of their protein endowment. read more


30.07.2011 14:00 Uhr

Ribosome Biogenesis in Plants

Ribosome biogenesis is one of the major biosynthetic pathways, which, for eukaryotes, is best understood in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast ribosomes consist of 79 ribosomal proteins and four ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). The assembly of the ribosomal subunits is a highly complex process that involves more than 200 cofactors. An exponential grown yeast culture builds around 2000 ribosomes per minute per cell, uses 60 % of its energy for this process and ca. 10% of the genome capacity is taken by ribosome biogenesis. This clearly underlines the importance of ribosome biogenesis for a living cell. read more