​Elena Früchtenicht M.Sc.

List of publications

  • Früchtenicht E, Bock J, Feucht V, & Brüggemann W (2021). Reactions of three European oak species (Q. robur, Q. petraea and Q. ilex) to repetitive summer drought in sandy soil. Trees, Forests and People, 5, 100093.
  • Bantis F, Früchtenicht E, Graap J, , Ströll S, Reininger N, Schäfer L,
    Pollastrini M, Holland V, Bussotti F, Radoglou K & Brüggemann W (2020). The JIP-test as a tool for forestry in times of climate change. Photosynthetica, 58 (SI).
  • Früchtenicht, E., Neumann, L., Klein, N., Bonal, D., & Brüggemann, W. (2018). Response of Quercus robur and two potential climate change winners – Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex –To two years summer drought in a semi-controlled competition study: I – Tree water status. Environmental and experimental botany, 152, 107-117.
  • Früchtenicht, E., Klein, N & Brüggemann, W. (2018). Response of Quercus robur and two potentiaclimate change winners – Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex – To two years summer drought in a semi-controlled competition study: II – Photosynthetic effiency. Environmental and experimental botany, 152, 118-127.

PhD-Tesis: Untersuchung zum Wasserhaushalt von Eichen

Master Thesis. Entwicklung eines interaktiven Bestimmungsschlüssels mittels DELTA intkey für die Rosaceae Mitteleuropas

Bachelor Thesis: Analyse dynamischer furchungsprozesse und zelluläre Wechselwirkungen im Frühkeim von Platynereis dumerilii