​Abteilung Naturschutzbiologie / Conservation Biology                              

Stellvertretende Abteilungsleitung Dr. Karen Hahn
(bis zur Neubesetzung der Professur)

We are working in the field of conservation and applied ecology. Global loss of biodiversity due to changes in climate and land use is setting the frame for our research and teaching activities.

Our research aims to develop models to improve our mechanistic understanding of how climate and land use change affect biodiversity and subsequent ecosystem processes. We aim to develop mitigation concepts to maintain both the use of resources in times of climate change and the maintenance of biodiversity. For this purpose, we foster collaborations with international research groups, stakeholders, and conservation authorities.

We consider different taxonomic groups with a focus on plants within our research and use classical methods (e.g., field surveys and measurments) together with GIS and advanced statistical analyses to characterize and understand biological communities in relation to ecological conditions and human impact.