Publikationen Paläobiologie


Benazzi S, Grosse,IR, Gruppioni,G, Weber GW, Kullmer O 2014: Comparison of occlusal loading conditions in a lower second premolar using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Clinical Oral Investigations, 18: 369-375.

Benazzi S, Nguyen HN, Kullmer O, Hublin J-J 2014: Exploring the biomechanics of taurodontism. Journal of Anatomy , DOI: 10.1111/joa.12260 Published online ahead of print.

Emonet E-G, Kullmer O 2014: Variability in Premolar and Molar Root Number in a Modern Population of Pan troglodytes verus. The Anatomical Record 297(10): 1927-1934. DOI: 10.1002/ar.22959.

Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Henry AG, Salazar-Garc DC, Blasco R, Picin A, Wroe S, Kullmer O 2014: To Meat or Not to Meat? New Perspectives on Neanderthal Ecology. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22659 Published online ahead of print in Wiley Online Library

Weber GW, Benazzi S, Kullmer O 2014: Mikro-CT-Anwendungen in der biologischen Anthropologie. Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel 21(2):68-68f.


Benazzi, S., Kullmer, O., Schulz, D., Weber G.W. 2013: Individual tooth macrowear pattern guides the reconstruction of Sts 52 (A. africanus) dental arches. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150: 324-329.

Benazzi S, Nguyen HN, Kullmer O, Hublin J 2013: Unravelling the Functional Biomechanics of Dental Features and Tooth Wear. PLoS ONE 8(7): e69990. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069990

Benazzi, S., Nguyen, N. H., Schulz, D., Grosse, I. R. Gruppioni, G., Hublin, J.-J., and Kullmer, O. 2013: The Evolutionary Paradox of Tooth Wear: Simply Destruction or Inevitable Adaptation? PLoS ONE 8(4): e62263.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062263.

Fiorenza, L. and Kullmer, O. 2013: Dental wear and cultural behavior in Middle Paleolithic humans from the Near East. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 152: 107–117. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22335

Harvati, K., Darlas, A., Bailey, S.E., Rein, T.R., El Zaatari, S., Fiorenza, F., Kullmer, O., Psathi, E. 2013: New Neanderthal remains from Mani peninsula, Southern Greece: The Kalamakia Middle Paleolithic cave site, Journal of Human Evolution.

Krueger-Janson, U., Schulz, D., Kullmer, O. 2013: Anteriore Ästhetik durch posteriore Funktion?! Quintessenz Zahntechnik 39(8):1024-1064. 

Kullmer, O., Benazzi, S., Schulz, D., Gunz, P.,  Kordos, L., Begun, D.R. 2013: Dental arch restoration using tooth macrowear patterns with application to Rudapithecus hungaricus, from the late Miocene of Rudabánya, Hungary. Journal of Human Evolution, 64:151-160.

von Koenigswald, W. Anders, U., Engels S., Schultz, J. A., Kullmer, O. 2013: Jaw movement in fossil mammals: analysis, description and visualization. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 87:141–159, doi:10.1007/s12542-012-0142-4.

Weber, G.W., Benazzi, S., Kullmer, O. 2013: CT-Anwendungen in der biologischen Anthropologie. Osteologie/Osteology, 22 (1):18-24.


Bäuchle, M., Kunpczik, K., Gunz, P., Kullmer, O., Hublin,  J-J. (2012: Are root dimensions linked to andibular robusticity in the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus)? In: American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 147(S54):109

Benazzi, S. Kullmer, O., Grosse, I.R., Weber, G.W. 2012: Brief Communication: Comparing Loading Scenarios in Lower First Molar Supporting Bone Structure Using 3D Finite Element Analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147(1):128-134.

Böhme, M., Aiglstorfer, M., Uhl, D., Kullmer, O. 2012: The Antiquity of the Rhine River: Stratigraphic Coverage of the Dinotheriensande (Eppelsheim Formation) of the Mainz Basin (Germany). PLoS ONE 7(5): e36817. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036817

Brügmann, G., Krause, J., Brachert, T.C., Kullmer, O. , Schrenk, F., Ssemmanda, I., Mertz, D.F. 2012: Chemical composition of modern and fossil Hippopotamid teeth and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and enamel formation – Part 1: Major and minor element variation, Biogeosciences, 9, 119–139.

Brügmann, G., Krause; J., Brachert, T. C., Stoll, B., Weis, U., Kullmer, O., Ssemmanda, I., Mertz, D. F. 2012: Chemical composition of modern and fossil Hippopotamid teeth and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and enamel formation – Part 2: Alkaline earth elements as tracers of watershed hydrochemistry and provenance. Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 3645-3691, doi:10.5194/bgd-9-3645-2012.

Kullmer, O., Schulz, D., Benazzi, S. 2012: An Experimental Approach to Evaluate the Correspondence Between Wear Facet Position and Occlusal Movements. The Anatomical Record, 295: 846–852.

Smith, T.M., Olejniczak, A.J., Zermeno, J.P., Tafforeau, P., Skinner, M.M., Hoffmann, A., Radovčić, J., Toussaint, M., Kruszynski, R., Menter, C., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Glasmacher, U.A., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Stringer, C., Hublin, J-J. 2012: Variation in enamel thickness within the genus Homo. Journal of Human Evolution 62:395-411.

von Koenigswald, W. Anders, U., Engels S., Schultz, J. A., Kullmer, O. 2012: Jaw movement in fossil mammals: analysis, description and visualization. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, doi:10.1007/s12542-012-0142-4


Bäuchle, M. 2011: Die Lücke schließt sich. In: Afrika Post, 3/11:22-23

Bäuchle, M., Kunpczik, K., Gunz, P., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F, Hublin, J-J. (2011) Dental and mandibular integration in the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus). In: American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144(S52):83

Benazzi, S., Coquerelle, M., Fiorenza, L., Bookstein, F., Katina, S., Kullmer, O. 2011: Comparison of dental measurement systems for taxonomic assignment of first molars. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144(3):342–354.

Benazzi, S., Douka, K., Fornai, C., Bauer, C.C., Kullmer, O., Svoboda, J., Pap, I., Mallegni, F., Bayle, P., Coquerelle, M., Condemi, S., Ronchitelli, A., Harvati, K., Weber, G.W. 2011: Early dispersal of modern humans in Europe and implications for Neanderthal behavior. NATURE, 479, 525-528.

Benazzi, S., Fiorenza, L., Katina, S., Bruner, E., Kullmer, O. 2011: Quantitative assessment of interproximal wear facet outlines for the association of isolated molars, American Journal of Physical Anthropology,144(2):309–316.

Benazzi, S., Fiorenza, L., Kozakowski, S., Kullmer, O. 2011: Comparing 3D Virtual Methods for Hemimandibular Body Reconstrution. The Anatomical Record, 294: 1116–1125.

Benazzi, S., Fornai, C., Bayle, P., Coquerelle, M., Kullmer, O., Mallegni, F., Weber, G. 2011: Comparison of dental measurement systems for taxonomic assignment of Neanderthal andmodern human lower second deciduous molars. Journal of Human Evolution, 61(3):320-326.

Benazzi, S., Kullmer, O., Grosse, I.R., Weber, G.W. 2011: Using occlusal wear information and finite element analysis to investigate stress distributions in human molars. Journal of Anatomy, 219:259–272.

Benazzi, S., Viola, B., Kullmer, O., Fiorenza, L., Harvati, K., Paul, T., Gruppioni, G., Weber, G.W., Mallegni, F. 2011: A reassessment of the Neanderthal teeth from Taddeo cave (southern Italy). Journal of Human Evolution, 61(4):377-387.

Bocherens, H., Sandrock, O., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F. 2011: Hominin palaeoecology in Late Pliocene Malawi: First insights from isotopes (13C, 18O) in mammal teeth. South African Journal of Science, 107 (3/4), Art. #331, 6 pages. DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v107i3/4.331

Denys C., Sandrock O., Kullmer O., Ramirez Rozzi F., Bromage T. G., Schrenk F. 2011: Note on the presence of Hystrix (Mammalia, Rodentia) in the Malawi Chiwondo Beds (Plio-Pleistocene): taphonomical and palaeoecological implications. Geodiversitas 33 (4): 729-738.

Fiorenza, L., Benazzi, S., Kullmer, O. 2011: Para-masticatory wear facets and their functional significance in hunter–gatherer maxillary molars. Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 38 (9): 2182-2189.

Fiorenza, L., Benazzi, S., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F. 2011: Relationship Between Cusp Size and Occlusal Wear Pattern in Neanderthal and Homo sapiens First Maxillary Molars, The Anatomical Record, 294:453-461.

Fiorenza, L., Benazzi, S., Tausch, J., Kullmer, O., Bromage, T.G., Schrenk F. 2011: Molar Macrowear Reveals Neanderthal Eco-Geographic Dietary Variation. PLoS ONE 6(3): e14769. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014769

Kullmer, O., Sandrock, O., Kupczik, K., Frost, S.R., Volpato, V. Bromage, T.G., Schrenk, F. 2011: New Primate Remains from Mwenirondo, Chiwondo Beds in northern Malawi, Journal of Human Evolution, 61:617-623.

Smith, T.M., Bacon, A.-M., Demeter, F., Kullmer, O., Nguyen, K.T., de Vos, J., Wei, W., Zermeno, J.P., Zhao, L. 2011: Dental tissue proportions in fossil orangutans from mainland Asia and Indonesia. Human Origins Research 2011; volume 1:e1


Benazzi, S., Buti, L., Franzo L., Kullmer, O., Winzen, O., Gruppioni, G. 2010: Report of Three Fused Primary Human Teeth in an Archaeological Material. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 20: 481–485.

Brachert, T., Brügmann, G., Mertz, D.F., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Jacob, D.E., Ssemmanda, I., Taubald, H. 2010: Stable isotope variation in tooth enamel from Neogene hippopotamids: monitor of meso and global climate and rift dynamics on the Albertine Rift, Uganda. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch) (2010) 99:1663–1675

Fiorenza, L., Benazzi, S., Tausch, J., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F. 2010: Brief communication: Identification reassessment of the isolated tooth Krapina D58 through occlusal fingerprint analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 143(2): 306-312.

Gutmann, M., Hertler, C. & Schrenk, F. (2010): Der Mensch als Gegenstand der Paläoanthropologie und das Problem der Szenarien..: In: Gerhardt, V. & Nida-Rümelin, J. (2010): Evolution in Natur und Kultur. de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 135-162.

Kullmer, O. 2010: Zahntechnik und Paläoanthropologie, Der Okklusion auf der Spur Quintessenz Zahntechnik 36 (8):1016-1019.


Benazzi, S., Stansfield, E., Kullmer, O., Fiorenza, L., Gruppioni, G. 2009: Geometric Morphometric Methods for Bone reconstruction: The Mandibular Process of Pico della Mirandola. The Anatomical Record, 292:1088–1097.

Engel, T., Forman, M., Holzförster, F., Grimm, K., Grimm, M., Kullmer, O. & Lutz, H. 2009: Forschungsprojekt „Urrhein-Ablagerungen bei Eppelsheim – Dinotheriensande in Rheinhessen“: Jahresbericht 2008. – Mitteilungen der Rheinischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 30: 34-36.

Fiorenza, L., Benazzi, S., Kullmer, O. 2009: Morphology, wear and 3D digital surface models: materials and techniques to create high-resolution replicas of teeth. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 87:211-218.

Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F. 2009: Paläo-Cuisine – Ein Erfolgsrezept auf dem Weg zum Homo sapiens. Natur und Museum, 139 (9/10): 290-301.

Kullmer, O., 2009: Zähne – Ein Schlüssel zur Vielfalt der Säugetiere, Natur und Museum, 139 (1/2): 58.

Kullmer, O., Benazzi, S., Fiorenza, L., Schulz, D., Bacso, S., Winzen O. 2009: Technical Note: Occlusal Fingerprint Analysis (OFA): Quantification of tooth wear pattern. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 139:600–605.

Schrenk, F. 2009: Paläoanthropologie, in: Bohlken, E & Thies, C (Hrsg.): Handbuch Anthropologie, S. 197-207, J.B. Metzler, ISBN 978-3-476-02228-8

Schrenk, F., Kullmer, O., Sandrock, O. 2009: „Open Source“ vs. „Missing Link“ – Der aufrechte Gang entstand mehrmals! Natur und Museum, 139 (9/10): 270-279.

Schrenk, F., Kullmer, O. 2009: Der Ursprung der Gattung Mensch. Natur und Museum, 139 (9/10): 280-289.

Smith, T.M., Olejniczak, A.J., Kupczik, K., Lazzari, V., de Vos, J., Kullmer, O., Schrenk. F., Hublin, J.-J., Jacob, T., Tafforeau, P. 2009: Taxonomic Reassessment of the Trinil Molars. PaleoAnthropology, 2009:117-129.

Sommer, J., Kullmer, O., Holzförster, F., Lutz, H. 2009: Die obermiozänen Dinotheriensande (Eppelsheim-Formation) bei Eppelsheim/Rheinhessen unter dem Gesichtspunkt neuer sedimentologischer, taphonomischer und paläoökologischer Ergebnisse. Jubiläumsband der Rheinischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft e.V. Mainz, 175 Jahre RNG.


Bromage T.G., McMahon J.M., Thackeray J.F., Kullmer O., Hogg R., Rosenberger A.L., Schrenk F., Enlow D.H. 2008: Craniofacial architectural constraints and their importance for reconstructing the early Homo skull KNM-ER 1470, Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 33(1):43-54.

Frost, S., Kullmer, O. 2008: Cercopithecidae from the Pliocene Chiwondo Beds, Malawi-rift. Geobios, 41:743–749.

Holzförster, F., Sommer, J., Kullmer, O., Lutz, H. 2008: Der Obermiozäne Ur-Rhein bei Eppelsheim (Rheinhessen) und sein Bezug zur Tektonik des Mainzer Beckens, Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv, 46:37-52.

Hublin, J.-J., Pääbo, S., Derevianko, A.P., Doronichev, V.B., Golovanova, L.V., Friess, M., Froment, A., Hoffmann, A., Kachache, N.E.J., Kullmer, O., Lordkipanidze, D., Moncel, M.-H., Potts, R., Radovcic, J., Rak, Y.Z., Richards, M., Méndez, J.R., Rosas, A., Schmauder, M., Schmitz, R.W., Semal, P., Smith, T., Tafuri, M.A., Tattersall, I., Tournepiche, J.-F., Toussaint, M., Vassiliev, S., Vialet, A., White, T., Ziegler, R. 2008: Suggested guidelines for invasive sampling of hominid remain, Journal of Human Evolution, 55:756-757.

Kullmer, O. 2008: Benefits and Risks in Virtual Anthropology, Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 86:205-207.

Kullmer, O. 2008: The Plio-Pleistocene Suids (Suidae; Artiodactyla) of the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28(1): 208-216.

Kullmer, O., Morlo, M., Sommer, J., Lutz, H., Engel, T., Forman, M., Holzförster, F. 2008: The second specimen of Simocyon diaphorus (Kaup, 1832) (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ailuridae) from the type locality Eppelsheim (Early Late Miocene, Germany), Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28(3):928-932.

Kullmer, O., Sandrock, O., Viola, T. B., Hujer, W., Said, H., Seidler, H. 2008: Suids, Elephantoids and Paleoecology of the Pliocene Galili hominid site, Somali Region, Ethiopia. Palaios, 23:452-464.

Müller, S., Kullmer, O., Wenzel, T. 2008: Sangiran II – Eine Schädelkalotte und Ihre wissenschaftliche Deutung, Natur und Museum 138 (1/2): 30-31.

Olejniczak, A.J., Smith, T.M., Wang, W., Potts, R., Ciochon, R., Kullm­­er, O., Schrenk F., Hublin, J-J. 2008: Molar enamel thickness and dentine horn height in Gigantopithecus blacki. American Journal of Physical Anthopology, 135:85-91.

Schrenk, F. 2008: Die Frühzeit des Menschen - Der Weg zum Homo sapiens - C.H.Beck Wissen, Beck’sche Reihe 2059, 4. Auflage, S. 1-128, München: Verlag C.H.Beck.


Kullmer O., Menz U. 2007: Sonderausstellung: Menschheit in 3D – Im Fokus digitaler Techniken. Natur und Museum, 137 (11/12): 291-292.

Kullmer, O. 2007: Geological Background of Hominid Sites in Africa. – In: Henke, W., Tattersal, I. [Hrsg.]: Handbook of Paleoanthropology, Volume 1: Principles, Methods and Approaches, 1:339-356, Springer Publishing Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 978-3-540-32474-4.

Sandrock, O., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Juwayeyi, Y.M., Bromage, T. 2007: Fauna, taphonomy and ecology of the Plio-Pleistocene Chiwondo Beds, Northern Malawi. - In: Bobe, R., Alemseged, Z., Behrensmeyer, A. K. [Hrsg.]: Hominin environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence, pp. 315-332, Springer Publishing Dordrecht Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-4020-3097-0 (HB), ISBN 978-1-4020-3098-7 (e-book).

Schrenk, F., Kullmer, O., Bromage, T. 2007: The earliest putative Homo fossils. – In: Henke, W., Tattersal, I. [Hrsg.]: Handbook of Paleoanthropology, Volume 3: Phylogeny of Hominids, 3:1611-1631, Springer Publishing Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 978-3-540-32474-4.

Ulhaas, L, Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F. 2007: Tooth wear diversity in early hominid molars – a case study. In: Bailey, S., Hublin, J.J., Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution: State of the Art Research in Dental Anthropology, pp. 369-390. Springer Publishing Dordrecht Netherlands. ISBN 978-1-4020-5844-8 (HB), ISBN 978-1-4020-5845-5 (e-book).

Winzen, O., Kullmer, O. 2007: Opto-elekronische Vermessung und 3D-Rekonstruktion ermöglichen Analyse der Nahrungsaufnahme, Digital Dental News, I. Jahrgang, April 2007:62-66.


Habersetzer, J., Kullmer, O., Gudo, M. 2006: Neue Wege ins Körperinnere durch 3D-Technologie. Natur und Museum, 136 (11/12), 276-277.

Kullmer, O. 2006: Präzisionswerkzeuge der Evolution – Okklusionsflächen im Wandel (koreanische Übersetzung), Dental Dialogue, The international Journal of Dental Technology, 3(1): 20-28.

Lutz, H., Forman, M., Engel, T., Kullmer, O., Sommer, J. and Holzförster, F. 2006: Forschungsprojekt „Urrhein-Ablagerungen bei Eppelsheim - Dinotheriensande in Rheinhessen“: Jahresbericht 2005. - Rheinische Naturforschende Gesellschaft Mitteilungen 27: 35-38.


Kullmer, O. 2005: Precision Tools in Evolution – Changing Occlusal Surfaces. Dental Dialogue, The international Journal of Dental Technology, 5(3): 46-56.

Kullmer, O. 2005: Das Geheimnis der Schweinezähne. Natur und Museum, 135 (5/6), 137-138.

Kullmer, O. 2005: Expeditionen ins Afar Dreieck – Fossiliensuche unter äthiopischer Sonne. Natur und Museum, 135 (3/4), 58-67.

Urbanek, C., Faupl, P., Hujer, W., Ntaflos, T., Richter, W., Weber, G., Schaefer, K., Viola, B., Gunz, P., Neubauer, S., Stadlmayr, A., Kullmer O., Sandrock, O., Nagel, D., Conroy, G., Falk, D., Woldearegay, K., Said, H., Assefa, G., Seidler, H. 2005: Geology, Paleontology and Paleoantropology of the Mount Galili Formation in the southern Afar Depression, Ethiopia – Preliminary results. Joannea Geologie und Paläontologie 6: 29-43.


Kullmer, O. 2004: Präzisionswerkzeuge der Evolution – Okklusionsflächen im Wandel, Dental Dialogue, Internationales Journal für die Zahntechnik, 5.Jahrgang, 2004/3:96-104.

Kullmer, O. 2004: Studio evolutivo delle superfici occlusali, Dental Dialogue, Rivista internazionale di orthotecnica, anno XI, 2004/4:312-320.

Macchiarelli, R., Bondioli, L., Falk, D., Faupl, P., Illerhaus, B., Kullmer, O., Richter, W., Said, H., Sandrock, O., Schäfer, K., Urbanek, C., Viola, T.B., Weber, G.W., Seidler, H. 2004: Early Pliocene hominid tooth from Galili, Somali Region, Ethiopia. Collegium Anthropologicum., 28 (2): 65-76.

Schrenk, F., Sandrock, O., Kullmer, O. 2004: The "Open Source" Perspective of earliest Hominid Origins, Collegium Anthropologicum, 28 (2):113-119.

Ulhaas, L., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Henke, W. 2004: A new 3-d approach to determine functional morphology of cercopithecoid molars. Annals of Anatomy. 5-6: 487-494.

Weston, E., Adrian E. Friday, A.E. Johnstone, R. & Schrenk, F  (2004): Wide faces or large canines? The attractive versus the aggressive primate, , Proceedings. Royal Society London B, 271:416-419


Dean, C., Schrenk, F. 2003: Enamel thickness and development in a third permanent molar of Gigantopithecus blacki, Journal of Human Evolution, 45:381-388.

Hertler, C., Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G. 2003: Modelling in Paloaeoanthropology: Reconstructing the development of paleospecies. In: Ars Modellandi (Müller & Müller Eds.), Springer Verlag

Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Dörrhöfer, B. 2003: 3D-Image analyses and comparison of ape, hominid and human footprints: Current Research. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 243: 65-71, 4 Figs., 1 Tab..

Schrenk, F. ,Kullmer, O., Sandrock, O., Bromage, T. G. 2003: Early hominid diversity, age and biogeography of the Malawi-Rift, Human Evolution 17(1-2), 113-122.

Winzen, O., Huck, M., Engel, K., Kullmer, O. 2003: Opto-elektronische Vermessung und 3D-Rekonstruktion ermöglichen Analyse der Nahrungsaufnahme. Natur und Museum, 133 (4).


Bromage, T. G., Dirks, W., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Huck, M., Kullmer, O., Öner, R., Sandrock, O., Schrenk, F. 2002: A life history and climate change solution to the evolution and extinction of insular dwarfs: A Cypriot experience. - In: Waldren, W.H. & Ensenyat, J.A. Eds., World Islands in Prehistory - International Insular Investigation. V Deia International Conference of Prehistory. BAR International Series 1095, 420-427.

Kullmer, O., Huck, M., Engel, K., Schrenk, F., Bromage, T. G. 2002: Hominid Tooth Pattern Database (HOTPAD) based on optical 3D topometry. In: Three –Dimensional Imaging in Paleoanthropology and Prehistoric Archaeology, Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001, Colloque, Symposium 1.7 eds. Bertrand Mafart & Hervé Delingette, BAR International Series 1049, 71-82.

Kullmer, O., Engel, K., Schrenk, F. 2002: Dreidimensionale Vermessungstechniken erweitern paläontologische Forschung – Virtuelle Zahnmodelle zur Analyse komplexer Zahnoberflächen. Natur und Museum, 132 (7), 225-256.

Kullmer, O., Huck, M., Schrenk, F. 2002: Hominidenzähne im Internet – HOTPAD. Natur und Museum, 132 (11), 404-407.

Schrenk, F. & Bromage, T.G. 2002: Adams Eltern –254 S., C.H. Beck, München

Schrenk, F., Kullmer, O., Ratzel, S. 2002: Exponat des Monats November: Fossilien aus chinesischen Apotheken. Natur und Museum, 132 (11), 423-424.


Dean, C., Leakey, M.G., Reid, D., Schrenk, F., Schwartz, G., Stringer, C. & Walker, A. (2001): Growth processes of teeth distinguish modern humans from Homo erectus and earlier hominins, Nature 414:628-631.

Sandrock, O., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Bromage, T.G. 2001: Biogeography of Homo and Paranthropus in the Malawi Rift. In (M. Schultz et al., Hrsg.) Schnittstelle Mensch – Umwelt in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft: Proceedings – 3. Kongress der GfA, S. 15-19. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag.

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