
Schulze, E., Lipkowski, K., Abondano Almeida, D. & Schulte, L.M. (2024) Adult poison dart frogs avoid potential heterospecific competitors using their sense of smell. Ethology: online first.

Schulte, L.M., Twomey, E., Jendras, J., Cruz- Elizalde, R. & Bossuyt,F. (2024) Transcriptome analysis of anuran breeding glands reveals a surprisingly high expression and diversity of NNMT-like genes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 142: 188-196.

Lipkowski, K., Abondano-Almeida, D. & Schulte, L.M. (2023) Perception of con- and heterospecific injury cues in tadpoles of dendrobatic, ranid and bufonid frogs (Anura). Evolutionary Ecology: online first.

Twomey, E., Melo-Sampaio, P., Schulte, L.M., Bossuyt, F., Brown, J.L. & Castroviejo-Fisher, S. (2023) Multiple routes to color convergence in a radiation of Neotropical poison frogs. Systematic Biology: online first.

Ringler, E., Rojas, B., Stynoski, J. & Schulte, L.M. (2023) What amphibians can teach us about the evolution of parental care. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: online first.

Sylvester, F., Weichert, F.G., .... Schulte, L.M., ...., Hollert,H.* (2023) Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & Evolution:     *45 authors

Schulte, L.M. & König, Y. (2023) Experimental evidence that toe-tapping behavior in the green-and-black poison frog (Dendrobates auratus) is related to prey detection. Acta Ethologica, 26: 139-143.

Schulte, L.M., Abondano Almeida, D., Stadler, S. & Köhler, J. (2023) Pheromones for amphibian conservation – considering new approaches in conservation breeding programmes. Animal Conservation, 26: 603-605.

Schulte, L.M., Lipkowski, K. & Abondano Almeida, D. (2023) Chemical communication and semiochemical recognition in frogs – from eggs to adults. In Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 15, 75-111. B. Schaal, D. Rekow, M. Keller, and F. Damon (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Villanueva, E.D., Brooks, O.L., Bolton, S.K., Savastano, S., Schulte, L.M. & Saporito, R.A. (2022): Maternal provisioning of alkaloid defenses are present in obligate but not facultative egg feeding dendrobatids. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 48: 900-909.

Fiedler, A.-K. & Schulte, L.M. (2022) Chemical enrichment in buff-headed capuchins (Sapjus xanthosternos). Der Zoologische Garten, 90: 151-159.

Schulte, L.M, Jendras, J., Twomey, E., Ramirez-Bautista, A. & Bossuyt, F. (2022) Gene expression of secretory proteins in the nuptial pads of three Lithobates species (Anura: Ranidae). Amphibia-Reptilia, 43: 433-441.

Kolden, C.V. & Schulte, L.M. (2022): The effects of olfactory stimulation on the behaviour of captive slender lorises (Loris lydekkerianus). Behavioural Processes, 200: 104702.

Lipkowski, K., Steigerwald, S., Schulte, L.M., Sommer-Trembo, C. & Jourdan, J. (2021): Natural variation in social conditions affects male mate choosiness in the amphipod Gammarus roeseliiCurrent Zoology, 68: 459-468.

Schulte, L.M. & Summers, K. (2021): Who cares for the eggs? Analysis of egg attendance behaviour in Ranitomeya imitator, a poison frogs with biparental care. Behaviour, 159: 603-614.

Schulte, L.M., Martel, A., Cruz-Elizalde, R., Ramírez-Bautista, A. & Bossuyt, F. (2021): Love bites: male frogs (Plectrohyla, Hylidae) use teeth scratching to deliver sodefrin precursor-like factors to females during amplexus. Frontiers in Zoology, 18, article 59.

Davison, I., Saporito, R.A., Schulte, L.M. & Summers, K. (2021): Piperidine alkaloids from fire ants are not sequestered by the green and black poison frog (Dendrobates auratus). Chemoecology31: 391–396.

Schulte, L.M., Ringler, E., Rojas, B. & Stynoski, J.L. (2020): Developments in amphibian parental care research: history, present advances, and future perspectives. Herpetological Monographs 34: 71-97.

Twomey, E., Delia, J., Fashé, M., Venegas, P. & Schulte, L.M. (2020): A new distribution record and updated conservation assessment of the endangered Marañón poison frog, Excidobates mysteriosus (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae). Salamandra 56: 71-74.

Bossyt, F., Maex, M., Treer, D., Schulte, L.M., Van Boxclaer, I. & Janssenswillen, S. (2019): Chemistry between salamanders: evolution of the SPF courtship pheromone system in Salamandridae. In Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 14, 205-220. Büsching C.D. (Ed.). New York: Springer.

Bossuyt, F.*, Schulte, L.M.*, Maex, M., Janssenswillen, S., Novikova, P.Y., Biju, S.D., Van de Peer, Y., Matthijs, S., Roelands, K., Martel, A. & Van Bocxlaer, I. (2019): Multiple independent recruitment of sodefrin precursor-like factors in anuran sexually dimorphic glands. Molecular Biology and Evolution (Journal link*both authors contributed equally


before Goethe University Frankfurt:

Schulte, L.M. & Mayer, M. (2017): Tadpoles seek parental transportation: begging behaviour in a poison frog with cannibalistic young. Journal of Zoology 303: 83-89 (featured in the press)

Schulte, L.M. & Summers, K (2017): Searching for hormonal facilitators: are vasotocin and mesotocin involved in parental care behaviors in poison frogs? Physiology and Behaviour 174: 74-82

Schulte, L.M. & Twomey, E. (2017): Die Vertreter der Gattung Ranitomeya in Ecuador. Faszination Pfeilgiftfrösche 13:36-37

Schulte, L.M., Saporito, R.A., Davison, I. & Summers, K. (2016): The palatability of Neotropical poison frogs in predator-prey systems: do alkaloids make the difference? Biotropica 49: 23-26.

Schulte, L.M. (2016): Semiochemicals in anurans: how all categories can be tested with one poison frog species. In Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 13, 339-350. Schulte B.A., Ferkin M.H. & Goodwin, T.E. (Ed.). New York: Springer.

Schulte, L.M. & Rödder, D. (2016): Adolpho und Bertha Lutz – Leben und Werke. In Mertensiella 23, 245–260. Kwet, A. & Niekisch, M. (Ed). Mannheim: DGHT.

Schulte, L.M., Krauss, M., Lötters, S., Schulze, T. & Brack, W. (2015): Decoding and discrimination of chemical cues and signals: avoidance of predation and competition during parental care behavior in sympatric poison frogs. Plos One 10: 1-17.

Stynoski, J.L.*, Schulte, L.M.* & Rojas, B.* (2015): Quick Guide Poison Frogs. Current Biology 25: R1019–R1031. *all authors contributed equally

Schulte, L.M. & Lötters, S. (2014): A danger foreseen is a danger avoided: how chemical cues of different tadpoles influence parental decisions of a Neotropical poison frog. Animal Cognition 17, 267-275.

Schulte, L.M. (2014): Feeding or avoiding? Facultative egg-feeding in a Peruvian poison frog (Rani-tomeya variabilis). Ethology Ecology & Evolution 26, 58-68.

Mayer, M., Schulte, L.M., Twomey, E. & Lötters, S. (2014): Do male poison frogs respond to modified calls of a Müllerian mimic? Animal Behaviour 89, 45-51.

Schulte, L.M. & Veith, M. (2014): Is the response of a Neotropical poison frog (Ranitomeya variabilis) to larval chemical cues influenced by relatedness? Herpetological Journal 24, 180-192.

Schulte, L.M. & Lötters, S. (2013): The power of the seasons: rainfall triggers parental care in poison frogs. Evolutionary Ecology 27, 711-723.

Schulte, L.M. & Rößler, D.C. (2013): Do poison frogs recognize chemical cues of the other sex or do they react to cues of stressed conspecifics? Behavioural Processes 100, 32-35.

Schulte, L.M., Schulte, R. & Lötters, S. (2013): Avoiding predation: the importance of chemical and visual cues in poison frog reproductive behaviour. In Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 12, 309-321. East, M.L. & Dehnhard, M. (Ed.). New York: Springer.

Schulte, L.M., Yeager, J., Schulte, R., Veith, M., Werner, P., Beck, L.A. & Lötters, S. (2011): The smell of success: choice of larval rearing sites by means of chemical cues in a Peruvian poison frog. Animal Behaviour 81, 1147-1154.

Schulte, L.M. & Esser, S. (2011): Temperaturabhängige Geschlechtsdeterminierung bei Hyloxalus azureiventris? Elaphe 4/11, 12-15.

Schulte, L.M., Yeager, J., Schulte, R., Veith, M., Werner, P., Beck, L.A. & Lötters, S. (2011): Synopsis: The smell of success: choice of larval rearing sites by means of chemical cues in a Peruvian poison frog. FrogLog 96, 38-39.

Werner, P., Elle, O., Schulte, L.M. & Lötters, S. (2011): Home range behaviour in male and female poison frogs in Amazonian Peru (Dendrobatidae: Ranitomeya reticulata). Journal of Natural History 45, 15-27.

Schulte, L.M., Rödder, D., Schulte, R. & Lötters, S. (2010): Preference and competition for breeding plants in coexisting Ranitomeya species (Dendrobatidae): does height play a role? Salamandra 46, 180-184.