
Prof. Dr. Jörg Oehlmann, oehlmann@bio.uni-frankfurt.dephone 069 798 42142
Dr. Matthias Oetken, oetken@bio.uni-frankfurt.dephone 069 798 42148

Module information

The pollution of the environment with chemicals has increased in line with economic development. This increase is evident not only in terms of the number of chemical compounds produced but also in terms of their production volume. Ecotoxicology studies the harmful effects of these chemicals on ecosystems. It enables us to assess the hazard potential and risk of environmental chemicals, thus providing an essential basis for protecting our environment and its natural resources.

In the lecture for the module, general and specific knowledge about the behaviour and effects of chemicals in the environment and risk assessment are imparted. The laboratory-based practical course with an integrated seminar is research-oriented and aims to put theoretical knowledge into practice in small groups under supervision. For this purpose, a comprehensive investigation programme for the hazard and risk analysis of an individual substance, a technical process or environmental samples as part of biological effect monitoring must be timed, carried out and evaluated. The effects on the molecular, organismic and community levels are determined with the help of in-vivo and in-vitro tests with animals, plants and microorganisms. After appropriate evaluation, the test results are used to characterize the environmental risk for the chemicals, processes, or environmental samples examined.

Time slot for the module – Second half of the winter semester

Number of participants – 12

Special features – This module is taught in German. Therefore, German language skills are required. Experiments of the genetic engineering safety level S1 are part of the practical course. The students are expected to be willing to conduct experiments with invertebrates.

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