Paleobiology and Environment

Paleobiology and Environment

Apl. Prof. Dr. Ottmar Kullmer,, Tel. +49 69 7542 1364

PD Dr. Krister Smith,, Tel. +496975421218

Dr. Angela Bruch,, Tel. 49 69/ 7542-1568
Dr. Karen Hahn,, Tel. +49 69/798-43347

Dr. Christine Hertler,, Tel. +49 69 7542 1573
Dr. Thomas Lehmann,, Tel +49 69 7542 1338

Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk,, Tel. +49 69 7542 1260

Dr. Sonja Wedmann,, Tel. +49 6159 9163 3214

Information of the module

In Palaeobiology, the main source of information is fossilized hard tissue. In our case, we deal mainly with fossil teeth and bones of vertebrates, including mammals and human ancestors. We consider palaeobiological remains as once-living beings and interpret them in their evolutionary-biological context. The module focuses on linking basic anatomical, palaeontological and palaeoecological knowledge concerning evolutionary morphology, functional morphology and evolutionary ecology. In detail, the following topics are covered: Evolution of vertebrates, origin of mammals, comparative anatomy and morphology of vertebrates (skeleton, skull, dentition), ontogenetic development of the skull, morphometrics and functional analyses of the mammalian dentition, evolution of primates, palaeoecology including palaeoclimate reconstruction, evolutionary ecology of early hominids, processes of taphonomy and fossilisation, actualistic comparisons and modelling in palaeobiology, fossil prospecting and field documentation. The module will take place at the Biologicum, Campus Riedberg and the Senckenberg Research Institute. It is divided into two parts: During the first three weeks, we integrate lectures and seminars with practical applications on specimens. During the second three weeks, the participants will work on a current research project at the Senckenberg Research Institute. For this purpose, the working areas of palaeoanthropology, mammals and morphometrics, Grube Messel, palaeoclimate reconstruction, and the ROCEEH project (Role of Culture in Early Expansions of Humans) can be chosen.

Time slot of the module- first half of the Winter semester

Number of available places - 9

Special features - The excursion and part of the practical (fieldwork) usually take place outside the lecture period.

Homepages of the participating working groups