Integrative biodiversity research in zoology

Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt,, Tel +49 69/7542-1240
Prof. Dr. Gunther Köhler,, Tel +49 69/7542-1232
PD Dr. Sebastian Klaus,, Tel +49 69/798-42173
PD Dr. Dorte Janussen,, Tel +49 69/ 7542-1306
PD Dr. Steffen Pauls,, Tel +49 69/7542-1222
Dr. Sonja Wedmann,, Tel +49 6159/91633214

Dr. Torben Riehl,, Tel +49 69/7542-1251

Dr. Martin Jansen, Tel +49 69/7542-1234

Dr. Julia Sigwart, Tel +49 69/7542-1272

Prof. Dr. Peter Thalau, Tel +49 69/798-42086

Module information

Currently, we probably know only 2-10 % of the existing animal and plant species. So far, around 1.8 million species have been described by taxonomists worldwide. These species show an incredible morphological biodiversity. The module's content is to provide a well-founded overview of the systematics and results of integrative taxonomy of selected animal phyla and teach the corresponding methods. In addition to the laboratory methods, field methods are also presented to complement the resulting laboratory approaches. Biodiversity citizen science with its large potential of for science and society is also part of the module.

After completing the module, participants will have a solid overview of special zoology of selected animal taxa and their habitats.

They will be familiar with the most important field and laboratory methods of integrative taxonomy and have insights into professional maintenance of zoological collections.

Time slot of the module – second half of the summer term

Number of participants - 10

Special features - Students are expected to be willing to work in the field (outside Frankfurt), including at night, and conduct experiments with animals.

Homepage of the working group

Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt

Apl. Prof. Dr. Gunther Köhler

PD Dr. Sebastian Klaus