
New research Projects in our Department:

  • Eventbasierte Erfassung und Bewertung diffuser Pflanzenschutzmitteleinträge für den Biodiversitätsverlust in hessischen Fließgewässern (PSM-Biodiv)
  • EffektMon -  Effect monitoring for the assessment of the eco(toxico)logical status of rivers
  • DECIDE - Development of an ecotoxicological, water framework directive compliant assassment system for running waters
  • Convergent characteristics of cryptic species along environmental gradients

Jörg Oehlmann was appointed to the Expert Committee for Assessing the Relevance of Trace Substances. The committee advises the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) on the relevance of trace substances in the water cycle.

We congratulate the winner of the Frankfurt Prize for Environment and Sustainability 2023 from our department:
Nina Kuschik-Maczollek received the sponsorship award for her Master thesis 'Ecotoxicological evaluation of a floodplain restoration project near an industrial plant', supvervised by Prof. Jörg Oehlmann. Nina is the 6th laureate of the Frankfurt Prize for Environment and Sustainability from our department after Dr. Lisa Zimmermann and Natalie Reininger in 2022 and Dr. Christian Scherer, Jasmin Thal and Jonas Wallraff in 2021.On 11 December 2023, the Hessian Environment Minister Priska Hinz officially inaugurated the new Hesse Water Competence Center (Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Hessen, KWH) at Goethe University Frankfurt. The center is located in our Department.
Programme of the Institute Colloquium

Programme of the Department Seminar (Download).