

since 2017 HBM4EU- The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative. EU Horizon 2020 Partnership

since 2017 NaToxAq (Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality – From Source to Tap). EU Horizon 2020 European Training Network ETN (No 722493)

2013-2018 SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management. European Collaborative Project. Coordinator. (FP7-603437)

2011-2015 EDA-EMERGE (Innovative biodiagnosis meets chemical structure elucidation – Novel tools in effect-directed analysis to support the identification and monitoring of emerging toxicants on a European scale) European Marie Curie Initial Training Network. Coordinator (PITN-GA-2011-290100)

2006-2009 RISKBASE (Risk-Based Management of European River Basins); European Coordination Action (GOCE 036938). Work package leader for Risk Assessment

2006-2010 KEYBIOEFFECTS (Cause-Effect Relationships of Key Pollutants on the European Rivers Biodiversity); European Marie Curie Research Training Network (MRTN-CT-2006-035695)

2005-2010 MODELKEY (Models for Assessing and Forecasting the Impact of Environmental Key Pollutants on Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems); European Integrated Project, Coordinator (511237 (GOCE)


since 2018 LVSPE-Event Verteilereinheit basierend auf stromlosen Magnetventilen als Erweiterung des großvolumigen Festphasenextraktionsgerätes (LVSPE) für die Wasserproben; AiF

since 2017 SENTINEL2- Verbindungen zwischen der Verschmutzung von Süßwasser und dem Vorkommen von Wirtsschnecken für Schistosoma im westlichen Kenia; DFG

since 2017 NeuroBox- Methodische Weiterentwicklung zur Bewertung von neurotoxischen Effekten im Wasserkreislauf; BMBF

2012-2015 TOX-BOX (Gefährdungsbasiertes Risikomanagement für anthropogene Spurenstoffe zur Sicherung der Trinkwasserversorgung); BMBF

2011-2014 Large-Volume Solid Phase Extraction (LVSPE) technique and sampling device for automated time- and volume-proportional sampling of water samples using solid-phase extraction, AiF KF2081009MK0

2011-2014 Concept development for non-target screening of human samples and identification of environmentally relevant compounds as a basis for the development of new human biomonitoring methods, Umweltbundesamt Z6-55 410-49/2

2010-2013 Dis-Estab Communities Principles of Recolonization in Rivers: Dispersal and Establishment of Benthic Invertebrate Communities - Project 4: Interrelation between Pesticide Inputs, Hydromorphology and Source Populations Influencing the Recolonization of Benthic Invertebrate, DFG

2007-2009 LPDA (Low Pressure Dialytic Analysis)-instrument and technique for the clean-up of matrix-impacted extracts using semipermeable dialysis membranes. Cooperation project AiF 2007-2009