
Reschke K, Noordeloos ME, Manz C, Hofmann TA, Rodríguez J, Dima B, Piepenbring M (2022) Fungal diversity in the tropics: Entoloma spp. in Panama. Mycological Progress 21:93–145. DOI: 10.1007/s11557-021-01752-2

Sarawi S, Shi YN, Lotz-Winter H, Reschke K, Bode HB, Piepenbrin M (2022) Occurrence  and chemotaxonomy of amatoxins in Lepiota spp. (Agaricales). Phytochemistry DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.113069

Hampe F, Manz C (2021) Two new Russula species from Thailand and the new subsection Magicae. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 87(1): 17-30.

Koch JA, Fischer A, Manz C, Rexer KH (2021) Rehydration of dried mushroom specimens with Aerosol® OT for scanning electron microscopy. Mycological Progress 20(5): 747-754.

Lotz-Winter H, Popa F, Reschke K, Woerly B, Hertenstein A, Piepenbring M (2021) Resupinatus striatulus (Pers.: Fr.) Murrill im Nationalpark Schwarzwald; Neue Funde einer seit 80 Jahren für Deutschland nicht mehr nachgewiesenen Art. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 87:3–157.

Manz C, Adamčík S, Looney BP, Corrales A, Ovrebo C, Adamčíková K, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2021) Four new species of Russula subsection Roseinae from tropical montane forests in western Panama. PlosOne, 16(10): e0257616.

Meswaet Y, Mangelsdorff R, Yourou NS, Piepenbring M (2021) Unravelling unexplored diversity of cercosporoid fungi (Mycosphaerellaceae, Mycosphaerellales, Ascomycota) in tropical Africa. MycoKeys 81:69138.

Reschke K, Lotz-Winter H, Fischer CW, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2021) New and interesting species of Agaricomycetes from Panama. Phytotaxa 529:1–26.  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.529.1.1

Vera M, Adamčík S, Adamčíková K, Hampe F, Caboň M, Manz C, Ovrebo C, Piepenbring M, Corrales A (2021) Morphological and genetic diversification of Russula floriformis, sp. nov., along the Isthmus of Panama. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2021.1897377.

Delgado G, Koukol O, Heredia G, Piepenbring M (2020) Texas microfungi: Hermatomyces amphisporus (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) revisited. Czech Mycology 72:95–107.

Delgat L, Courtecuisse R, De Crop E, Hampe F, Hofmann TA, Manz C, Piepenbring M, Roy M, Verbeken A (2020) Lactifluus (Russulaceae) diversity in Central America and the Caribbean: melting pot between realms. Persoonia 44: 278–300.

Kirschner R, Lotz-Winter H, Piepenbring M (2020) A new species of the elm powdery mildew species complex (Erysiphaceae) on Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia) in East Asia segregated from Erysiphe ulmi. Phytotaxa 447: 276–282.

Kruse J, Lotz-Winter H, Piepenbring, M, Sandau H (2020) Pilze im Botanischen Garten Frankfurt am Main - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Artenvielfalt der Pilze und der pilzähnlichen Organismen. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 86: 3776.

Löbs N, Barbosa CG, Brill S, Walter D, Ditas F, de Oliveira Sá M, de Araújo AC, de Oliveira LR, Godoi RHM, Wolff S, Piepenbring M, Kesselmeier J, Artaxo P, Andreae MO, Pöschl U, Pöhlker C, Kesselmeier J, Weber B (2020) Aerosol measurement methods to quantify spore emissions from fungi and cryptogamic covers in the Amazon. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13: 153–164.

Maciá-Vicente JG, Piepenbring M, Koukol O (2020) Brassicaceous roots as an unexpected diversity hot-spot of helotialean endophytes. IMA Fungus 11:16 (23 Seiten).

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Piepenbring M (2020) Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Telimenaceae (Phyllachorales) from Central America. Mycol. Progress 19:1587-1599.

Olou BA, Krah F-S, Piepenbring M, Langer E, Soulemane Yorou N (2020) Diversity of Trametes (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in tropical Benin and description of new species Trametes parvispora. Mycokeys 65: 25-47.

Piepenbring M, Hartmann M, Hofmann TA, Lutz M (2020) New species and genera of Brachybasidiaceae (Exobasidiales, Basidiomycota) in honour of Franz Oberwinkler. Mycological Progress 19: 351–365.

Piepenbring M, Maciá Vicente J, Evans Codija J, Glatthorn C, Kirk P, Meswaet Y, Minter D, Olou BA, Reschke K, Schmidt M, Yorou NS (2020) Mapping mycological ignorance – checklists and diversity patterns of fungi known for West Africa. IMA Fungus 11:13 (22 Seiten).

Rosas-Medina M, Maciá-Vicente JG, Piepenbring M (2020). Diversity of Fungi in Soils with Different Degrees of Degradation in Germany and Panama. Mycobiology 48: 1, 2028.

Adamcik S, Looney B, Caboň M, ..., Manz C, et al (2019) The quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language. Fungal Diversity.

Cruz Laufer A, Mardones M, Piepenbring M (2019) Systematics, taxonomy, and distribution of species of MyriogenosporaG. F. Atk.(Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota)

Delgado G, Koukol O, Miller AN, Piepenbring M (2019) Septonema lohmanii G. Delgado & O. Koukol, sp. nov., a new species in Mytilinidiales (Dothideomycetes) and the phylogenetic position of S. fasciculare (Corda) S. Hughes. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 40: 3–23.

Delgat L, Dierickx G, Wilde S, ..., Manz C, et al (2019) Looks can be deceiving: the deceptive milkcaps (Lactifluus, Russulaceae) exhibit low morphological variance but harbour high genetic diversity. IMA Fungus 10:.

Kia SH, Pallesch S, Piepenbring M, Maciá-Vicente JG (2019) Root endophytic fungi show low levels of interspecific competition in planta. Fungal Ecology 39: 184–191.

Meswaet Y, Mangelsdorff R, Yorou NS, Piepenbring M (2019) A new species of Pseudocercospora on Encephalartos barteri from Benin. Asian Journal of Mycology 2:101–109. doi: Doi 10.5943/ajom/2/1/4

Piepenbring M, Begerow D, Kirschner R, Yang ZL (2019) Editorial to the topical collection dedicated to Prof. Dr. Franz Oberwinkler. Mycol. Progress 18: 313–319.

Delgado G, Koukol O, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2018) The phylogenetic placement of Ernakulamia cochinensis within Pleosporales (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota). Cryptogamie, Mycologie 38: 435–451.

Delgado G, Miller AN, Piepenbring M (2018) South Florida microfungi: Castanedospora, a new genus to accommodate Sporidesmium pachyanthicola (Capnodiales, Ascomycota). Cryptogamie, Mycologie 39: 109-127.

Kirschner R, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2018) Three new records of plant parasitic phyllosphere fungi from Panama: Annellophora phoenicis, Cercospora corniculatae, and Sclerotium coffeicola. Check List 14: 93–100.

Koukol O, Delgado G, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2018) Panama, a hot spot for Hermatomyces (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) with five new species, and a critical synopsis of the genus. IMA Fungus 9: 107–141.

Maciá Vicente JG, Shi YN, Cheikh Ali Z, Grün P, Glynou K, Kia SH, Piepenbring M, Bode HB (2018) Metabolomics based chemotaxonomy of root endophytic fungi for natural products discovery. Environmental Microbiology 20: 1253–1270

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Hofmann T, Mangelsdorff RD, Piepenbring M. (2018) New neotropical species of Phyllachorales based on molecular, morphological, and ecological data. Mycologia 110: 835–859.

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2018) Contribution to the phylogeny and a new species of Coccodiella (Phyllachorales). Mycological Progress 17:205–213

Piepenbring, M. (2018) Nachruf: Prof. Dr. Franz Oberwinkler. Leben und Wirken von Prof. Dr. Franz Oberwinkler 1939-2018. Z. Mykol. 84: 301-310.

Piepenbring M, Begerow D (2018) Franz Oberwinkler (1939-2018)-Pioneer in new ways of looking at basidiomycete evolution. IMA Fungus 9: 1.

Piepenbring M, Lotz-Winter H, Hofmann TA (2018) Incentives and challenges for mycologists in the tropics. In: P. Blanz (ed.) Biodiversity and Ecology of Fungi, Lichens, and Mosses. Biosystematics and Ecology Series 34: 481–514.

Rosas-Medina M, Piepenbring M (2018) New records of microfungi from degraded soil close to dry seasonal forest in Western Panama. Nova Hedwigia 105:3–4

Rudolph S, Maciá-Vicente JG, Lotz-Winter H, Schleuning M, Piepenbring M (2018) Temporal variation of macrofungal diversity in a temperate forest in Germany. Stud Mycol 89: 95–104.

Rühl V, Lotz-Winter H, Neuss A, Piepenbring M, Zorn H, Rühl M (2018) Comprehensive analysis of the volatilome of Scytinostroma portentosum. Mycol Progress 17: 417–424

Shi Y-M, Richter C, Challinor VL, Grün P, Girela del Rio A, Kaiser M, Schüffler A, Piepenbring M, Schwalbe H, Bode HB (2018) Georatusin, a specific antiparasitic polyketide peptide hybrid from the fungus Geomyces auratus. Organic letters 20: 1563-1567

Zamora JC, Svensson M, Kirschner R, Olariaga I, Ryman S, Parra LA, ... Aime MC (2018). Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9: 167-175

Buckel I, Andernach L, Schüffler A, Piepenbring M, Opatz T, Thines E (2017) Phytotoxic dioxolanones are potential virulence factors in the infection process of Guignardia bidwellii. Scientific Reports 7:8926

Ehlert K, Piepenbring M, Kollar A (2017) Ascospore release in apple scab underlies infrared sensation. Fungal Biology 121: 1054-1062.

Kia SH, Glynou K, Nau T, Thines M, Piepenbring M, Maciá-Vicente JG (2017) Influence of phylogenetic conservatism and trait convergence on the interactions between fungal root endophytes and plants. The ISME journal 11: 777–790.

Kia SH, Jurkechova M, Glynou K, Piepenbring M, Maciá-Vicente JG (2017) The effects of fungal root endophytes on plant growth are stable along gradients of abiotic habitat conditions. FEMS microbiology ecology 94(2): fix162

Kirschner R, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2017) Two endoparasitic powdery mildews (Erysiphales, Phyllactinieae) from Panama: Phyllactinia obclavata and Leveillula contractirostris. Tropical Plant Pathology 42:321–327

Klees G, Piepenbring M (2017) Animated life cycles of fungi and plants with spores for teaching. Journal of Biological Education 1–13

Koukol O, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2017) Dendroseptoria mucilaginosa: a new anamorphic fungus with stauroconidia and phylogenetic placement of Dendroseptoria. Mycological Progress 16:1065–1070

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Oster S, Elliott M, Urbina H, Schmitt I, Piepenbring M (2017) Phylogeny of the order Phyllachorales (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes): among and within order relationships based on five molecular loci. Persoonia 39:74–90

Marques JPR, Appezzato-da-Glória B, Piepenbring M, Massola Jr. NS, Monteiro-Vitorello CB, Carneiro Vieira ML (2017) Sugarcane smut: shedding light on the development of the whip-shaped sorus. Annals of Botany 119: 815-827

Piepenbring M, Yorou NS (2017) Promoting teaching and research on African fungi by field schools on tropical mycology in Benin. IMA Fungus 8:74–77

Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, et al (2016) Fungal Planet description sheets: 469–557. Persoonia 37:218–403

Cruz D, Suárez JP, Piepenbring M (2016) Morphological revision of Tulasnellaceae, with two new species of Tulasnella and new records of Tulasnella spp. for Ecuador. Nova Hedwigia 102:279–338.

Dämmrich F, Lotz-Winter H, Schmidt M, et al (2016) Rote Liste der Großpilze und vorläufige Gesamtartenliste der Ständer- und Schlauchpilze (Basidiomycota und Ascomycota) Deutschlands mit Ausnahme der Flechten und der phytoparasitischen Kleinpilze. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.

Haack FS, Poehlein A, Kröger C, et al (2016) Molecular keys to the Janthinobacterium and Duganella spp. interaction with the plant pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 1668

Hennicke F, Cheikh-Ali Z, Liebisch T, Maciá-Vicente JG, Bode HB, Piepenbring M (2016) Distinguishing commercially grown Ganoderma lucidum from Ganoderma lingzhi from Europe and East Asia on the basis of morphology, molecular phylogeny, and triterpenic acid profiles. Phytochemistry 127:29–37

Maciá-Vicente JG, Glynou K, Piepenbring M (2016) A new species of Exophiala associated with roots. Mycological Progress 15:1–12

Maciá-Vicente JG, Nau T, Piepenbring M (2016) Low diversity and abundance of root endophytes prevail throughout the life cycle of an annual halophyte. Mycological Progress 15:1303–1311

Mangelsdorff RD, Meve U, Liede-Schumann S (2016) Phylogeny and circumscription of Antillean Anemotrochus, gen. nov., and Tylodontia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae: Gonolobinae). Willdenowia 46:443–474

Piepenbring M, López F, Cáceres O (2016) Colaboradores escondidos – La importancia de los hongos en los ecosistemas. Información para educación ambiental. Puente Biológico 8:57–91.

Popa F, Jimenéz SYC, Weisenborn J, Donges K, Rexer K, Piepenbring M(2016) A new Laccaria species from cloud forest of Fortuna, Panama. Mycological Progress 15: 19. doi: 10.1007/s11557-015-1139-7

Judith C, Rossman AY, Kennedy AH, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2015) Microchrysosphaera graminicola, an enigmatic new genus and species in the Hypocreales from Panama. Mycological Progress 14: 72 (12 pages).

Lotz-Winter H, Sandau H, Piepenbring M (2015) Überraschende Vielfalt: Pilze in Frankfurt am Main. In: Starke-Ottich I, Bönsel D, Gregor T, et al. (eds) Stadtnatur im Wandel-Artenvielfalt in Frankfurt am Main. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp 83–105

Piepenbring M (2015) Introduction to mycology in the tropics. APS Press, St. Paul

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA, Miranda E, Cáceres O, Unterseher M (2015) Leaf shedding and weather in tropical dry-seasonal forest shape the phenology of fungi–Lessons from two years of monthly surveys in southwestern Panama. Fungal Ecology 18:83–92.

Rodríguez-Justavino DR, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2015) New species and new records of Meliolaceae from Panama. Fungal Diversity 70:73–84.

Scheufen S, Strommer S, Weisenborn J, et al (2015) Clinical manifestation of an amelanotic Sporothrix schenckii complex isolate in a cat in Germany. JMM Case Reports. doi: 10.1099/jmmcr.0.000039

Cruz D, Suárez JP, Kottke I, Piepenbring M (2014) Cryptic species revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis of sequences obtained from basidiomata of Tulasnella. Mycologia 106:708–722.

de Carvalho J, Alves A, Rios EE, Piepenbring M (2014) A new species of Nyssopsora (Pucciniales) from Panama. Nova Hedwigia 99:65–70.

Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2014) New records of plant parasitic Asterinaceae (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) with intercalary appressoria from Central America and Panama. Tropical Plant Pathology 39:419–427.

Hongsanan S, Li Y-M, Liu J-K, Hofmann T, Piepenbring M, et al (2014) Revision of genera in Asterinales. Fungal diversity 68:1–68.

Kirschner R, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2014) New records of foliicolous hyphomycetes (anamorphic Dothideomycetes) from tropical lowland in Chiriquí, Panamá. Puénte Biol 6:1–17.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2014) New records of three Ramichloridium species on banana leaves in Panama and Taiwan. Mycoscience 55:260–267.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2014) Two new species of Passalora and Periconiella (cercosporoid hyphomycetes) from Panama. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 35, 151-156.Lotz-Winter H, Piepenbring M (2014) Pilze im botanischen Garten. In: Jenny M, Wessel M, Winter C (eds) Der Botanische Garten Frankfurt am Main. Ein illustrierter Führer. Freundeskreis Botanischer Garten Frankfurt am Main e.V., Norderstedt, pp 74–79

Perdomo Sánchez O, Piepenbring M (2014) Species of Uromyces (Pucciniales, Basidiomycota) on Loranthaceae. Tropical Plant Pathology 39:141–153.

Tedersoo L, Bahram M, Põlme S, et al (2014) Global diversity and geography of soil fungi. Science 346:1256688.

Witkowski A, Barka F, Mann DG, Chunlian L, Weisenborn JLF, et al (2014) A description of Biremis panamae sp. nov., a new diatom species from the marine littoral, with an account of the phylogenetic position of Biremis D.G. Mann et E.J. Cox (Bacillariophyceae). PLoS ONE 9:e114508. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114508

Bálint M, Tiffin P, Hallström B, O'Hara RB, Olson MS, Fankhauser JD Piepenbring M, Schmitt I (2013) Host genotype shapes the foliar fungal microbiome of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera). PLoS ONE 8(1): e53987. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053987 .

Castillo SY, Bernal Vega JA, Lezcano J, Piepenbring M, Cáceres O (2013) Hongos entomopatógenos asociados a insectos recolectados en plantaciones de café en el oeste de Panamá. Tecnociencia 15: 29-39.

Chacón S, Dörge D, Weisenborn J, Piepenbring M (2013) A new species and a new record of Diatrypaceae (Xylariales) from Panama. Mycologia (online)

Piepenbring M, Yilmaz E, Weisenborn J (2013) Two new records of smut fungi for Panama and new combinations into the genus Tolyposporium. Tropical Plant Pathology 38: 3-10.

Tian H-Z, Yang Z, Wang S, Hou C-L, Piepenbring M (2013) A new species and phylogenetic data for Nematococcomyces. Botany 91: 592-596.

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA, Unterseher M, Kost G (2012) Species richness of plants and fungi in western Panama – towards a fungal inventory in the tropics. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2181-2193.

Piepenbring M, Nold F, Trampe T, Kirschner R (2012) Revision of the genus Graphiola. Nova Hedwigia 94: 67-96.

Kirschner R, Lee I-S, Piepenbring M (2012) A new pycnidial fungus with clamped hyphae from Central America. Mycological Progress 11: 561-568.

Mangelsdorff R, Piepenbring M, Perdomo-Sanchéz O (2012) Correlation of diversity of rust fungi and their host plants with disturbance and conservation of vegetation in western Panama. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2323-2339.

Piepenbring M (2012) Fadenwesen in vielfältigen Nahrungsnischen: Tropische Pilze. Biologie in unserer Zeit 42: 294-301.

Andrade JM, Malagón O, Piepenbring M, Armijos C (2012) Etnomicología y valor nutricional de macrohongos silvestres de la comunidad indígena Saraguro en el sur del Ecuador. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 36: 193-201.

Araúz V, Piepenbring M (2012) Nuevos reportes de Meliolales y plantas hospederas para Panamá. Puente Biológico 4: 1-23.

Gillen K, Læssøe T, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2012) Favolaschia species (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Ecuador and Panama. Nova Hedwigia 96: 117-165.

Araúz K, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2011) Nuevos reportes de Ascomycetes bitunicados parásitos de plantas para Panamá. Puente Biológico 3: 1-9.

Gómez V AK, Rodríguez R R, Villareal S VR, González O A, Piepenbring M (2011) Guía de mangles de la Costa Pacífica de Chiriquí, Panamá. Puente Biologico 3: 33-49.

Guerrera Y, Hofmann TA, Williams C, Thines M, Piepenbring M (2011) Asterotexis cucurbitacearum a poorly known pathogenic fungus on cultivated species of Cucurbitaceae and new reports for Panama and Costa Rica. Mycology 2: 87-90.

Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2011) Biodiversity of Asterina species on neotropical host plants: new species and records from Panama. Mycologia 103: 1284-1301.

Inácio CA, Araúz K, Piepenbring M (2011) A new genus of Parmulariaceae from Panama. Mycological Progress  (online available). DOI 10.1007/s11557-011-0791-9 .

Piepenbring M, Cáceres O, Caballero E (2011) Pioneer forage for fungi in the Darién area, Eastern Panama: Quadruplicating the knowledge of fungi of the Darién, Panama, based on three days of field work. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 2511-2526. DOI 10.1007/s10531-011-0085-1 .

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA, Unterseher M, Kost G (2011) Species richness of plants and fungi in western Panama – towards a fungal inventory in the tropics. Biodiversity and Conservation (online available).DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0213-y .  

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA,  Kirschner R, Mangelsdorff  R,  Perdomo  O,  Rodríguez Justavino D, Trampe T (2011) Diversity patterns of Neotropical plant parasitic microfungi. Ecotropica 17: 27-40.

Cruz D, Suárez JP,  Kottke I,  Piepenbring M,  Oberwinkler F (2011) Defining species in Tulasnella by correlating morphology and nrDNA ITS-5.8S sequence data of basidiomata from a tropical Andean forest. Mycological Progress 10:  229-238. DOI 10.1007/s11557-010-0692-3 .

Piepenbring M, Camarena J, Cruz D, Gómez AK,  Guerrero Y, Hofmann TA, Kirschner R,  de Matas M, Perez L, Rodríguez D, Ureta J, Vargas I, Williams C (2011) New records of fungi pathogenic on cultivated plants in Panama. Myxotaxon 115: 534-535.

Lotz-Winter H, Hofmann TA, Kirschner R, Kursave M, Trampe T, Piepenbring M (2011) Pilze im Botanischen Garten der Universität Frankfurt am Main. Z. Mykol. 77: 89-122.

Guzmán G, Piepenbring M (2011) Los hongos de Panamá. Introducción a la identificación de los hongos macroscópicos. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui, Panama & Instituto de Ecologia, Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico.  1-372.

Hofmann TA, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2010) Phylogenetic relationships and new records of Asterinaceae (Dothideomycetes) from Panama. Fungal Diversity 43: 39-53. DOI 10.1007/s13225-010-0042-4 .

Piepenbring M, Espinoza J, Saldaña L, Cáceres O (2010) New records, host plants, morphological and molecular data of Exobasidiales (Basidiomycota) from Panama. Nova Hedwigia 91: 231-242. DOI 10.1127/0029-5035/2010/0091-0231 .

Klees G, Hoppe C, Piepenbring M, Dierkes P (2010) Fernstudium der Mykologie, Einsatz von interaktiven Animationen und eLectures. Hamburger eLMagazin 05-12: 55-56.

Kirschner R, Araúz V, Herbst F, Hofmann TA, Ix S, Nozon Th, Piepenbring M (2010) A new species ofPuttemansia (Tubeufiaceae, Pleosporales) and new records of further Ascomycota from Panama. Sydowia 62: 225-241.

Hou CL, Trampe T, Piepenbring M (2010) A new species of Rhytisma causes tar spot on Comarostaphylis arbutoides (Ericaceae) in Panama. Mycopathologia 169: 225-229. DOI 10.1007/s11046-009-9250-4 .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2010) Two new species of Ramichloridium-like hyphomycetes from senescent leaves of Night-scented Lily (Alocasia odora) in Taiwan. Fungal Diversity 40:  41-50. DOI 10.1007/s13225-009-0002-z .

Kirschner R, Nebel M, Butterfass Th (2010) Observations on fertile populations of Lunularia cruciata (L.)Dumort. ex Lindb. (Marchantiopsida: Lunulariaceae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 3: 363-371.

Villarreal S, RV, Valdés R, LA, Bernal V, JA, Piepenbring M, Kirschner R (2010) A new species ofLaboulbenia and new records from Panama. Mycological Progress 9: 57-67. DOI 10.1007/s11557-009-0619-z .

Weisenborn JLF, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2010) A new darkly pigmented and keratinolytic species ofAcremonium (hyphomycetes) with relationship to the Plectosphaerellaceae from human skin and nail lesions in Panama. Nova Hedwigia 90:  457-468.

Weisenborn JLF, Kirschner R, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2010) Talaromyces indigoticus Takada & Udagawa, the first record for Panama and the American Continent. Mycopathologia,  DOI 10.1007/s11046-010-9305-6 .

Carmona A, Fournier J, Williams C, Piepenbring M (2009) New records of Xylariaceae from Panama.North American Fungi 4: 1 -11.

Entian K-D,  Gockele A, Karas M, Kirschner R, Kötter P, Piepenbring M, Stein T, Schneider G (2009) Identifizierung neuer antibiotischer Wirkstoffe. Biospektrum 4: 408-410.

Gube M, Piepenbring M (2009) Preliminary annotated checklist of Gasteromycetes in Panama. Nova Hedwigia 89: 519-543.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2009) Lophodermium puerense, a new species on needles of Pinus yunnanensisvar. tenuifolia from southwest Yunnan. Mycotaxon 107: 259-262.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2009) Two new Rhytismatales on Rhododendron from China. Mycologia 101: 383-389.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2009) New species and new records of Rhytismatales from Panama. Mycologia 101: 565-572. DOI 10.3852/08-216 .

Hou CL, Li L, Piepenbring M (2009) Lophodermium pini-mugonis sp. nov. on needles of Pinus mugo from the Alps based on morphological and molecular data. Mycological Progress 8: 29-33.

Kirschner R, (2009) Cercosporella and Ramularia. Mycologia 101: 110-119.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2009) Supplementary notes on Basidiopycnis hyalina (Basidiomycota, Atractiellales) and its anamorph. Mycotaxon 109: 29-38.

Kirschner R, Hou CL, Chen CJ (2009) Co-occurrence of Pseudocercospora species and rhytismatalean ascomycetes on maple and camellia in Taiwan. Mycological Progress 8: 1-8.

Piepenbring M (2009) Reportes nuevos de Agaricales para Panamá. Acta Biologica Panamensis 1: 22-38.

Rincón R, Mendoza R, Cáceres D, Piepenbring M (2009) Nombres comunes de plantas en el oeste de Panamá. Puente Biológico 2: 7-101 + 5 plates.

Bitzer J, Laessoe T, Fournier J, Kummer V, Decock C, Tichy HV,  Piepenbring M, Persoh D, Stadler M (2008) Affinities of Phylacia and the daldinoid Xylariaceae, inferred from chemotypes of cultures and ribosomal DNA sequences. Mycological Research 112: 251-270.

Hahner D, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M, Schöfer H (2208) First isolation of the anamorphic yeastTrichosporon faecale in Germany, from a skin of a patient with tinea pedis. Mycopathologia 165: 149-153.DOI 10.1007/s11046-008-9092-5 .

Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2008) New species and records of Asterina from Panama. Mycological Progress 7: 87-98. DOI 10.1007/s11557-008-0555-3 .

Kirschner R (2008) Ostasiatische Papiermaulbeerbäume (Broussonetia spp., Moraceae). Der Palmengarten 72: 102-109.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2008) A new species of Trimorphomyces (Basidiomycota, Tremellales) from Taiwan. Nova Hedwigia 87: 445-455.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2008) The Ovulariopsis anamorph of Phyllactinia bauhiniae var. cassiae: first record outside India and morphological characterization. Sydowia 60: 57-67.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2008) Physalacria corticola, P. stilboidea, and Stilbum vulgare, three sphaeropedunculate Basidiomycota new to Taiwan, with notes on Stilbum erythrinae. Fungal Science 23: 51-61.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2008) Two new hyphomycetes parasitic on leaves of Maianthemum species in Panama. Mycological Progress 7: 21-29. DOI 10.1007/s11557-007-0549-6 .

Perdomo-Sánchez O, Piepenbring M (2008) A new species of Puccinia (Pucciniales, Basidiomycota) an new records of rust fungi from Panama. Mycological Progress 7: 161-168. DOI 10.1007/s11557-008-0561-5 .

Pérez-Martínez JM, Piepenbring M (2008) New records and new hosts of smut fungi from Cuba. Nova Hedwigia 87: 185-194.

Piepenbring M (2008) Einführung in die heimischen Brandpilze. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 74: 99-110.

Piepenbring M, Ruiz-Boyer A (2008) Diversity and ecology of fungi in the Golfo Dulce region. Stapfia 88: 179-192.

Stadler M, Fournier J, Laessoe T, Lechat C, Tichy HV, Piepenbring M (2008) Recognition of hypoxyloid and xylarioid Entonaema species from a comparison of holomorphic myorphology, HPLC profiles, and ribosomal DNA sequences. Mycological Progress 7: 53-73. DOI 10.1007/s11557-008-0553-5 .

Hernández JR, Piepenbring M, Vega Rios MB (2007) A new species, Dicheirinia panamensis, and new records of rust fungi from Panama. Mycological Progress 2: 81-91. DOI 10.1007/s11557-007-0526-0  .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2007) Two new species of Rhytismataceae on twigs of conifers from Yunnan Province, China. Mycotaxon 102: 165-170.

Hou CL, Liu L, Piepenbring M (2007) A new species of Hypoderma and description of H. rubi (Ascomycota) from China. Nova Hedwigia 84: 487-493.

Jäger-Zürn I, Novelo R A,  Philbrick CT, Piepenbring M (2007) Pinnately ramified ensiform leaves in the genus Marathrum (Podostemaceae - Podostemoideae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 268: 97-117.DOI 10.1007/s00606-007-0561-y .

Kirschner R, Arnold Günter R W, Chen CJ (2007) Cladobotryum semicirculare sp. nov. (Hyphomycetes) from commercially grown Ganoderma tsugae in Taiwan and other Basidiomycota in Cuba. Sydowia 59: 114-124.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2007) New reports of two hypophyllous Septobasidium species from Taiwan. Fungal Science 22: 39-46.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ 82007) New species and reports of foliicolous hyphomycetes from Taiwan. Fungal Diversity 26: 219-239.

Piepenbring M, Cáceres M, O A, Espino E, A A, Kirschner R, Schöfer H (2007) Chromoblastomycosis caused by Chaetomium funicola: a case report from Panama. British Journal of Dermatology 157: 1025-1029. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.08091.x .

Rodríguez J D, Piepenbring M (2007) Two new species of Appendiculella (Meliolaceae) from Panama. Mycologia 99: 544-552. DOI: 10.3852/mycologia.99.4.544 .

Trampe T, Piepenbring M (2007) Tropische Teerfleckenpilze in Panama. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 73: 37-60.

Cáceres O, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M, Schöfer H (2006) Gené, J.: Hormographiella verticillata and anOzonium stage as anamorphs of Coprinellus domesticus. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 89: 79-90. DOI 10.1007/s10482-005-9011-4 .

Hofmann T, Piepenbring M (2006) New records and host plants of fly-speck fungi from Panama. Fungal Diversity 22: 55-70.

Hou CL, Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2006) A new species and new records of Rhytismatales from Taiwan.Mycotaxon 95: 71-79.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2006) Five new species of Hypoderma (Rhytismatales, Ascomycota) with a key toHypoderma species known from China. Nova Hedwigia 82: 91-104. DOI 10.1127/0029-5035/2006/0082-0091 .

Kirschner R (2006) New records of Clonostachys epichloë, a mycoparasitic fungus on the grass-parasitic ascomycete Epichloë typhina for Europe. Feddes Repertorium 117: 307-311. DOI 10.1002/fedr.200611093 .

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2006) A new fungicolous species of Titaea and new reports of Bahusaganda indica and Exosporium ampullaceum (Hyphomycetes) from tropical rainforests in Panama. Fungal Diversity 21: 93-103.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2006) A new hyphomycete genus and species with pectinate conidia from a rainforest in Panama - a living fungal fossil? Mycological Progress 5: 136-138. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0508-7 .

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2006) New species and records of cercosporoid hyphomycetes from Panama. Mycological Progress 5: 207-219. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0513-x .

Piepenbring M (2006) Checklist of fungi in Panama. Puente Biológico (Revista Científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí) 1: 1-195.

Piepenbring M (2007) Inventoring the fungi of Panama. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 73-84. DOI 10.1007/s10531-006-9051-8 .

Piepenbring M (2006) Neue Ergebnisse zur Diversität und Ökologie von Brandpilzen in Panama.Zeitschrift für Mykologie 72: 89-100.

Oberwinkler F, Kirschner R, Arenal F, Villareal M, Rubio V, Begerow D, Bauer R, (2006) Two new pycnidial members of the Atractiellales: Basidiopycnis hyalina and Proceropycnis pinicola. Mycologia 98: 627-649. DOI: 10.3852/mycologia.98.4.637 .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2005) Known and two new species of Rhytisma (Rhytismatales, Ascomycota) from China. Mycopathologia 159: 299-306. DOI 10.1007/s11046-004-5653-4 .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2005) Two new species of Colpoma on trees from China. Forest Pathology 35: 359-364. DOI 10.1111/j.1439-0329.2005.00415.x .

Hou CL, Lin Y, Piepenbring M (2005) Species of Rhytismataceae on needles of Juniperus spp. from China. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 37-46. DOI 10.1139/b04-149 .

Kirschner R (2005) "Liebes-Jade", Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang: eine in Taiwan endemische Nutzpflanze. Der Palmengarten 69: 85-90.

Kirschner R, Wu SH (2005) Echinoporia hydnophora, a polypore new for Taiwan. Fungal Science 20: Nr. 3-4, 99-103.

Kirschner R, Yang ZL (2005) Dacryoscyphus chrysochilus, a new staurosporous anamorph with cupulate conidiomata from China and with affinities to the Dacrymycetales (Basidiomycota). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 87: 329-337. DOI 10.1007/s10482-004-6784-9 .

Piepenbring M (2005) Sphaerophragmium pulchrum, a new species of rust fungi from Panama . Mycological Progress 4: 161-166. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0119-3 .

Agerer R, Piepenbring M, Blanz P (2004) (Eds.): Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW:  428 Seiten. ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M, Oberwinkler F (2004) Nematococcomyces rhododendri, a new species in a new genus of the Rhytismatales from China. Mycologia 96: 1380-1385.

Kirschner R (2004) Sporodochial anamorphs of species of Helicogloea. In: Agerer R, Piepenbring M, Blanz P, (Eds.): Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW: 165-178:  ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2004) Helicomyxa everhartioides, a new helicosporous sporodochial hyphomycete from Taiwan with relationships to the Hyaloriaceae (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota). Studies in Mycology 50: 337-342.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2004) Two new species of the staurosporous hyphomycetous generaCeratosporium and Diplocladiella from Taiwan. Mycologia 96: 917-924.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M, Chen CJ (2004) Some cercosporoid hoyphomycetes from Taiwan, including a new species of Stenella and new reports of Distocercospora pachyderma and Phacellium paspali. Fungal Diversity 17: 57-68.

Piepenbring M (2004) Comparative morphology of galls formed by smut fungi and discussion of generic concepts. In: Agerer R,  Piepenbring M, Blanz P (Eds.) : Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW: 117-164:  ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Yang ZL, Piepenbring M (2004) Wild edible fungi in the Yunnan Province, southwestern China . In: Agerer R, Piepenbring M, Blanz P (Hrsg.): Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW: 419-426,  ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Kirschner R (2003) Two new species of Pyxidiophora associated with bark beetles in Europe. Mycological Progress 2: 209-218. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0058-z .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2003) A new record of Rogersiomyces okefenokeensis (Basidiomycota) from beetle galleries in pines in Taiwan. Sydowia 55: 86-92.

Kirschner R, Braun U, Yang ZL (2003) Pseudocercospora siraitiae sp. nov. (hyphomycetes) on leaves ofSiraitia cf. siamensis (Cucurbitaceae) in China. Fungal Diversity 14: 77-83.

Kirschner R, Sampaio JP, Begerow D, Chen ZC,  Oberwinkler F (2003) Mycogloea nipponica - the first known teleomorph in the heterobasidiomycetous yeast genus Kurtzmanomyces. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 84: 109-114. DOI 10.1023/A:1025484800974 .

Piepenbring M (2003) Fungi. In: Ibisch P,  Merida G (Hrsg.): Biodiversidad: La riqueza de Bolivia. Estado de conocimiento y conservación. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: Editorial FAN: 90-96.

Piepenbring M (2003) Smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes p. p. and Microbotryales). Flora Neotropica Monograph 86: 1-291.

Piepenbring M, Oberwinkler F (2003) Integrating morphological and molecular characteristics for a phylogenetic system of smut fungi. Botanische Jahrbücher 124: 241-253.

Scholler M, Schnittler M, Piepenbring M (2003) Species of Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales, Basidiomycota) on Cyperaceae in Arctic Europe. Nova Hedwigia 76: 415-428.

Stoll M, Piepenbring M, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F (2003) Molecular phylogeny of Ustilago and Sporisorium species (Basidiomycota, Ustilaginales) based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 976-984. DOI 10.1139/b03-094 .

Gebhardt H, Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2002) A new Ophiostoma species isolated from the ambrosia beetle Xyleborus dryographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Mycological Progress 1:  377-382. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0034-7 .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2002) Dictyochaeta multifimbriata, a new species from Taiwan. Mycological Progress 1: 287-289. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0026-7 .

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2002) Sebacina allantoidea sp. nov. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 23:. 129-133.

Kirschner R, Braun U, Chen ZC, Oberwinkler F (2002) Pleurovularia, a new genus of hyphomycetes proposed for a parasite on leaves of Microstegium sp. (Poaceae). Mycoscience 43: 15-20. DOI 10.1007/s102670200003 .

Pérez JM, Rodríguez M, Piepenbring M, Minter D (2002) Cuban smuts. IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria 153: 1521-1530

Piepenbring M (2002) Annotated check list and key for smut fungi in Colombia. Caldasia 24:  103-119.

Piepenbring M (2002) Diversity, taxonomy, and ecology of plant parasitic smut fungi in Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia 37: 49-58.

Piepenbring M (2002) Morphology of Liroa emodensis (Microbotryales, Basidiomycota) on Polygonum chinense. Fungal Science 17: 55-64.

Piepenbring M, Stein P (2002) Morphology and ecology of fruit release of Luziola subintegra (Poaceae). Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 72: 253-264.

Piepenbring M, Stoll M, Oberwinkler F (2002) The generic position of Ustilago maydis, Ustilago scitaminea, and Ustilago esculenta (Ustilaginales). Mycological Progress 1: 71-80. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0006-y .

Piepenbring M, Caballero P,  Arrocha C, Cáceres MO (2002) Royas, carbones y otros hongos parásitos de plantas. Natura 10: 26-36.

Wang SR, Piepenbring M (2002) New species and new records of smut fungi from China. Mycological Progress 1: 399-408. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0036-5 .

Bauer R, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F, Piepenbring M, Berbee M (2001) Ustilaginomycetes . In: D. J. McLaughlin; E. McLaughlin; P. A. Lemke (Hrsg.): Mycota VII. Systematics and Evolution. Berlin: Springer, Mycota Bd.VII:  57-83.

Kirschner R (2001) Diversity of Filamentous Fungi in Bark Beetle Galleries in Central Europe In: Misra J K, Horn BW (Hrsg.): Trichomycetes and Other Fungal Groups: Professor Robert W. Lichtwardt Commemoration Volume. Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, Inc.: 175-196.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2001) Mycoparasitism by three species of Diplococcium (Hyphomycetes). Plant Biology 3: 449-454. DOI 10.1055/s-2001-16457 .

Kirschner R, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (2001) Colacosiphon: a new genus described for a mycoparasitic fungus. Mycologia 93: 634-644.

Kirschner R, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F (2001) A new Chionosphaera species associated with conifericolous bark beetles. Mycological Research 105: 1403-1408. DOI 10.1017}S0953756201005019.

Kirschner R, Chen ZC, Oberwinkler F (2001) New records of ten species of hyphomycetes from Taiwan. Fungal Science 16: 47-62.

Kirschner R, Sampaio JP, Gadanho M, Weiß M, Oberwinkler F (2001) Cuniculitrema polymorpha(Tremellales, gen. nov. and sp. nov.), a heterobasidiomycete vectored by bark beetles, which is the teleomorph of Sterigmatosporidium polymorphum. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 80: 149-161. DOI 10.1023/A:1012275204498 .

Piepenbring M (2001) Cintractiella diplasiae - a second species of the genus Cintractiella (Ustilaginales) with sori in adventitious spikelets on Hypolytreae (Cyperaceae). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 4: 116-120. DOI 10.1078/1433-8319-00018 .

Piepenbring M (2001) Smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes and Microbotryales, Basidiomycota) in Panama.Revista de Biología Tropical 49: 411-428.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2000) A new species of Colacogloea with zygoconidia. Sydowia 52: 195-203.

Piepenbring M (2000) Edible tubers formed by roots of Juncus microcephalus Kunth in H.B.K. Feddes Repertorium 111: 567-570. DOI 10.1002/fedr.20001110724 .

Piepenbring M (2000) New species of smut fungi from the neotropics. Mycological Research 105: 757-767. DOI 10.1017/S0953756200004135 .

Piepenbring M (2000) The species of Cintractia s. l. (Ustilaginales, Basidiomycota). Nova Hedwigia 70: 289-372.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1999) A new basidiomycetous anamorph genus with cruciform conidia. Mycoscience 40: 345-348. DOI 10.1007/BF02463878 .

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1999) A new Ophiostoma species associated with bark beetles infesting Norway spruce. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 241-252. DOI 10.1139/cjb-77-2-247 .

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1999) Cylindrocarpostylus, a new genus based on a hyphomycete rediscovered from bark beetle galleries. Mycological Research 103: 1152-1156.

Kirschner R, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1999) Atractocolax, a new heterobasidiomycetous genus based on a species vectored by conifericolous bark beetles. Mycologia 91: 538-543.

Piepenbring M (1999) New and poorly known smut fungi in Cuba. Mycological Research 103 : 459-467.

Piepenbring M, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F (1999) Molecular sequence data assess the value of morphological characteristics for a phylogenetic classification of species of Cintractia. Mycologia 91: 485-498.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Phialocephala trigonospora, a new hyphomycete species associated with conifericolous bark beetles. Sydowia 50: 205-212.

Piepenbring M (1998) Ökologische und morphologische Beobachtungen an Riedgräsern (Cyperaceae) in Mesoamerika. Der Palmengarten 62: 85-89.

Piepenbring M, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Teliospores of smut fungi: General aspects of teliospores and sporogenesis. Protoplasma 204: 155-169. DOI 10.1007/BF01280322  .

Piepenbring M, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Teliospores of smut fungi: Teliospore connections, appendages, and germ pores studied by electron microscopy; phylogenetic discussion of characteristics of teliospores. Protoplasma 204: 202-218. DOI 10.1007/BF01280324 .

Piepenbring M, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Teliospores of smut fungi: Teliospore walls and the development of ornamentation studied by electron microscopy. Protoplasma 204:  170-201. DOI 10.1007/BF01280323 .

Piepenbring M, Hagedorn G, Oberwinkler F (1998) Spore liberation and dispersal in smut fungi. Botanica Acta 111: 444-460.

Piepenbring M, Rodriguez  H, M (1998) Carbones (Fungi: Ustilaginomycetes) de Cuba. I parte. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional (de Cuba) 19: 121-131.

Piepenbring M, Rodriguez H, M (1998) Carbones (Fungi: Ustilaginomycetes) de Cuba. II parte. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional (de Cuba) 19: 132-146.

Piepenbring M (1997) The morphology of witches' brooms of Mycosyrinx cissi (Ustilaginales) on Cissus spp. (Vitaceae). Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 69: 177-190.

Piepenbring M, Bauer R (1997) Erratomyces, a new genus of Tilletiales with species on Leguminosae.Mycologia 89: 924-936.

Piepenbring M (1996) Ecology, seasonal variation, and altitudinal distribution of Costa Rican smut fungi (Ustilaginales and Tilletiales, Basidiomycetes). Revista de Biología Tropical 44: (Suppl. 4) (1996) 115-123.

Piepenbring M (1996)  Smut fungi (Ustilaginales and Tilletiales) in Costa Rica. Nova Hedwigia Beih. 113: 1-155.

Piepenbring M (1996) Two new Entyloma species (Ustilaginales) in Central America. Sydowia 48: 241-249.

Piepenbring M, Vanky K, Oberwinkler F (1996) Aurantiosporium, a new genus of Ustilaginales. Plant Systematics and Evolution 199: 53-64. DOI 10.1007/BF00985917 .

Piepenbring M, Bauer R (1995) Noteworthy germinations of some Costa Rican Ustilaginales. Mycological Research 99: 853-858. DOI 10.1016/S0953-7562(09)80741-7 .

Piepenbring M (1995) Taxonomic studies on Ustilaginales from Costa Rica. Mycological Research 99: 783-788.

Piepenbring M (1995) Trichocintractia, a new genus for Cintractia utriculicola (Ustilaginales). Canadian Journal of Botany 73: 1089-1096. DOI 10.1139/b95-118 .

Piepenbring M, Napp-Zinn K (1993) Comparative anatomical studies on foliar organs of Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 67: 367-386

Reschke K, Noordeloos ME, Manz C, Hofmann TA, Rodríguez J, Dima B, Piepenbring M (2022) Fungal diversity in the tropics: Entoloma spp. in Panama. Mycological Progress 21:93–145. DOI: 10.1007/s11557-021-01752-2

Sarawi S, Shi YN, Lotz-Winter H, Reschke K, Bode HB, Piepenbrin M (2022) Occurrence  and chemotaxonomy of amatoxins in Lepiota spp. (Agaricales). Phytochemistry DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.113069

Hampe F, Manz C (2021) Two new Russula species from Thailand and the new subsection Magicae. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 87(1): 17-30.

Koch JA, Fischer A, Manz C, Rexer KH (2021) Rehydration of dried mushroom specimens with Aerosol® OT for scanning electron microscopy. Mycological Progress 20(5): 747-754.

Lotz-Winter H, Popa F, Reschke K, Woerly B, Hertenstein A, Piepenbring M (2021) Resupinatus striatulus (Pers.: Fr.) Murrill im Nationalpark Schwarzwald; Neue Funde einer seit 80 Jahren für Deutschland nicht mehr nachgewiesenen Art. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 87:3–157.

Manz C, Adamčík S, Looney BP, Corrales A, Ovrebo C, Adamčíková K, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2021) Four new species of Russula subsection Roseinae from tropical montane forests in western Panama. PlosOne, 16(10): e0257616.

Meswaet Y, Mangelsdorff R, Yourou NS, Piepenbring M (2021) Unravelling unexplored diversity of cercosporoid fungi (Mycosphaerellaceae, Mycosphaerellales, Ascomycota) in tropical Africa. MycoKeys 81:69138.

Reschke K, Lotz-Winter H, Fischer CW, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2021) New and interesting species of Agaricomycetes from Panama. Phytotaxa 529:1–26.  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.529.1.1

Vera M, Adamčík S, Adamčíková K, Hampe F, Caboň M, Manz C, Ovrebo C, Piepenbring M, Corrales A (2021) Morphological and genetic diversification of Russula floriformis, sp. nov., along the Isthmus of Panama. Mycologia DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2021.1897377.

Delgado G, Koukol O, Heredia G, Piepenbring M (2020) Texas microfungi: Hermatomyces amphisporus (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) revisited. Czech Mycology 72:95–107.

Delgat L, Courtecuisse R, De Crop E, Hampe F, Hofmann TA, Manz C, Piepenbring M, Roy M, Verbeken A (2020) Lactifluus (Russulaceae) diversity in Central America and the Caribbean: melting pot between realms. Persoonia 44: 278–300.

Kirschner R, Lotz-Winter H, Piepenbring M (2020) A new species of the elm powdery mildew species complex (Erysiphaceae) on Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia) in East Asia segregated from Erysiphe ulmi. Phytotaxa 447: 276–282.

Kruse J, Lotz-Winter H, Piepenbring, M, Sandau H (2020) Pilze im Botanischen Garten Frankfurt am Main - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Artenvielfalt der Pilze und der pilzähnlichen Organismen. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 86: 3776.

Löbs N, Barbosa CG, Brill S, Walter D, Ditas F, de Oliveira Sá M, de Araújo AC, de Oliveira LR, Godoi RHM, Wolff S, Piepenbring M, Kesselmeier J, Artaxo P, Andreae MO, Pöschl U, Pöhlker C, Kesselmeier J, Weber B (2020) Aerosol measurement methods to quantify spore emissions from fungi and cryptogamic covers in the Amazon. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13: 153–164.

Maciá-Vicente JG, Piepenbring M, Koukol O (2020) Brassicaceous roots as an unexpected diversity hot-spot of helotialean endophytes. IMA Fungus 11:16 (23 Seiten).

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Piepenbring M (2020) Phylogenetics and taxonomy of Telimenaceae (Phyllachorales) from Central America. Mycol. Progress 19:1587-1599.

Olou BA, Krah F-S, Piepenbring M, Langer E, Soulemane Yorou N (2020) Diversity of Trametes (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in tropical Benin and description of new species Trametes parvispora. Mycokeys 65: 25-47.

Piepenbring M, Hartmann M, Hofmann TA, Lutz M (2020) New species and genera of Brachybasidiaceae (Exobasidiales, Basidiomycota) in honour of Franz Oberwinkler. Mycological Progress 19: 351–365.

Piepenbring M, Maciá Vicente J, Evans Codija J, Glatthorn C, Kirk P, Meswaet Y, Minter D, Olou BA, Reschke K, Schmidt M, Yorou NS (2020) Mapping mycological ignorance – checklists and diversity patterns of fungi known for West Africa. IMA Fungus 11:13 (22 Seiten).

Rosas-Medina M, Maciá-Vicente JG, Piepenbring M (2020). Diversity of Fungi in Soils with Different Degrees of Degradation in Germany and Panama. Mycobiology 48: 1, 2028.

Adamcik S, Looney B, Caboň M, ..., Manz C, et al (2019) The quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language. Fungal Diversity.

Cruz Laufer A, Mardones M, Piepenbring M (2019) Systematics, taxonomy, and distribution of species of MyriogenosporaG. F. Atk.(Clavicipitaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota)

Delgado G, Koukol O, Miller AN, Piepenbring M (2019) Septonema lohmanii G. Delgado & O. Koukol, sp. nov., a new species in Mytilinidiales (Dothideomycetes) and the phylogenetic position of S. fasciculare (Corda) S. Hughes. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 40: 3–23.

Delgat L, Dierickx G, Wilde S, ..., Manz C, et al (2019) Looks can be deceiving: the deceptive milkcaps (Lactifluus, Russulaceae) exhibit low morphological variance but harbour high genetic diversity. IMA Fungus 10:.

Kia SH, Pallesch S, Piepenbring M, Maciá-Vicente JG (2019) Root endophytic fungi show low levels of interspecific competition in planta. Fungal Ecology 39: 184–191.

Meswaet Y, Mangelsdorff R, Yorou NS, Piepenbring M (2019) A new species of Pseudocercospora on Encephalartos barteri from Benin. Asian Journal of Mycology 2:101–109. doi: Doi 10.5943/ajom/2/1/4

Piepenbring M, Begerow D, Kirschner R, Yang ZL (2019) Editorial to the topical collection dedicated to Prof. Dr. Franz Oberwinkler. Mycol. Progress 18: 313–319.

Delgado G, Koukol O, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2018) The phylogenetic placement of Ernakulamia cochinensis within Pleosporales (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota). Cryptogamie, Mycologie 38: 435–451.

Delgado G, Miller AN, Piepenbring M (2018) South Florida microfungi: Castanedospora, a new genus to accommodate Sporidesmium pachyanthicola (Capnodiales, Ascomycota). Cryptogamie, Mycologie 39: 109-127.

Kirschner R, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2018) Three new records of plant parasitic phyllosphere fungi from Panama: Annellophora phoenicis, Cercospora corniculatae, and Sclerotium coffeicola. Check List 14: 93–100.

Koukol O, Delgado G, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2018) Panama, a hot spot for Hermatomyces (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) with five new species, and a critical synopsis of the genus. IMA Fungus 9: 107–141.

Maciá Vicente JG, Shi YN, Cheikh Ali Z, Grün P, Glynou K, Kia SH, Piepenbring M, Bode HB (2018) Metabolomics based chemotaxonomy of root endophytic fungi for natural products discovery. Environmental Microbiology 20: 1253–1270

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Hofmann T, Mangelsdorff RD, Piepenbring M. (2018) New neotropical species of Phyllachorales based on molecular, morphological, and ecological data. Mycologia 110: 835–859.

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2018) Contribution to the phylogeny and a new species of Coccodiella (Phyllachorales). Mycological Progress 17:205–213

Piepenbring, M. (2018) Nachruf: Prof. Dr. Franz Oberwinkler. Leben und Wirken von Prof. Dr. Franz Oberwinkler 1939-2018. Z. Mykol. 84: 301-310.

Piepenbring M, Begerow D (2018) Franz Oberwinkler (1939-2018)-Pioneer in new ways of looking at basidiomycete evolution. IMA Fungus 9: 1.

Piepenbring M, Lotz-Winter H, Hofmann TA (2018) Incentives and challenges for mycologists in the tropics. In: P. Blanz (ed.) Biodiversity and Ecology of Fungi, Lichens, and Mosses. Biosystematics and Ecology Series 34: 481–514.

Rosas-Medina M, Piepenbring M (2018) New records of microfungi from degraded soil close to dry seasonal forest in Western Panama. Nova Hedwigia 105:3–4

Rudolph S, Maciá-Vicente JG, Lotz-Winter H, Schleuning M, Piepenbring M (2018) Temporal variation of macrofungal diversity in a temperate forest in Germany. Stud Mycol 89: 95–104.

Rühl V, Lotz-Winter H, Neuss A, Piepenbring M, Zorn H, Rühl M (2018) Comprehensive analysis of the volatilome of Scytinostroma portentosum. Mycol Progress 17: 417–424

Shi Y-M, Richter C, Challinor VL, Grün P, Girela del Rio A, Kaiser M, Schüffler A, Piepenbring M, Schwalbe H, Bode HB (2018) Georatusin, a specific antiparasitic polyketide peptide hybrid from the fungus Geomyces auratus. Organic letters 20: 1563-1567

Zamora JC, Svensson M, Kirschner R, Olariaga I, Ryman S, Parra LA, ... Aime MC (2018). Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9: 167-175

Buckel I, Andernach L, Schüffler A, Piepenbring M, Opatz T, Thines E (2017) Phytotoxic dioxolanones are potential virulence factors in the infection process of Guignardia bidwellii. Scientific Reports 7:8926

Ehlert K, Piepenbring M, Kollar A (2017) Ascospore release in apple scab underlies infrared sensation. Fungal Biology 121: 1054-1062.

Kia SH, Glynou K, Nau T, Thines M, Piepenbring M, Maciá-Vicente JG (2017) Influence of phylogenetic conservatism and trait convergence on the interactions between fungal root endophytes and plants. The ISME journal 11: 777–790.

Kia SH, Jurkechova M, Glynou K, Piepenbring M, Maciá-Vicente JG (2017) The effects of fungal root endophytes on plant growth are stable along gradients of abiotic habitat conditions. FEMS microbiology ecology 94(2): fix162

Kirschner R, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2017) Two endoparasitic powdery mildews (Erysiphales, Phyllactinieae) from Panama: Phyllactinia obclavata and Leveillula contractirostris. Tropical Plant Pathology 42:321–327

Klees G, Piepenbring M (2017) Animated life cycles of fungi and plants with spores for teaching. Journal of Biological Education 1–13

Koukol O, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2017) Dendroseptoria mucilaginosa: a new anamorphic fungus with stauroconidia and phylogenetic placement of Dendroseptoria. Mycological Progress 16:1065–1070

Mardones M, Trampe-Jaschik T, Oster S, Elliott M, Urbina H, Schmitt I, Piepenbring M (2017) Phylogeny of the order Phyllachorales (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes): among and within order relationships based on five molecular loci. Persoonia 39:74–90

Marques JPR, Appezzato-da-Glória B, Piepenbring M, Massola Jr. NS, Monteiro-Vitorello CB, Carneiro Vieira ML (2017) Sugarcane smut: shedding light on the development of the whip-shaped sorus. Annals of Botany 119: 815-827

Piepenbring M, Yorou NS (2017) Promoting teaching and research on African fungi by field schools on tropical mycology in Benin. IMA Fungus 8:74–77

Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, et al (2016) Fungal Planet description sheets: 469–557. Persoonia 37:218–403

Cruz D, Suárez JP, Piepenbring M (2016) Morphological revision of Tulasnellaceae, with two new species of Tulasnella and new records of Tulasnella spp. for Ecuador. Nova Hedwigia 102:279–338.

Dämmrich F, Lotz-Winter H, Schmidt M, et al (2016) Rote Liste der Großpilze und vorläufige Gesamtartenliste der Ständer- und Schlauchpilze (Basidiomycota und Ascomycota) Deutschlands mit Ausnahme der Flechten und der phytoparasitischen Kleinpilze. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.

Haack FS, Poehlein A, Kröger C, et al (2016) Molecular keys to the Janthinobacterium and Duganella spp. interaction with the plant pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 1668

Hennicke F, Cheikh-Ali Z, Liebisch T, Maciá-Vicente JG, Bode HB, Piepenbring M (2016) Distinguishing commercially grown Ganoderma lucidum from Ganoderma lingzhi from Europe and East Asia on the basis of morphology, molecular phylogeny, and triterpenic acid profiles. Phytochemistry 127:29–37

Maciá-Vicente JG, Glynou K, Piepenbring M (2016) A new species of Exophiala associated with roots. Mycological Progress 15:1–12

Maciá-Vicente JG, Nau T, Piepenbring M (2016) Low diversity and abundance of root endophytes prevail throughout the life cycle of an annual halophyte. Mycological Progress 15:1303–1311

Mangelsdorff RD, Meve U, Liede-Schumann S (2016) Phylogeny and circumscription of Antillean Anemotrochus, gen. nov., and Tylodontia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae: Gonolobinae). Willdenowia 46:443–474

Piepenbring M, López F, Cáceres O (2016) Colaboradores escondidos – La importancia de los hongos en los ecosistemas. Información para educación ambiental. Puente Biológico 8:57–91.

Popa F, Jimenéz SYC, Weisenborn J, Donges K, Rexer K, Piepenbring M(2016) A new Laccaria species from cloud forest of Fortuna, Panama. Mycological Progress 15: 19. doi: 10.1007/s11557-015-1139-7

Judith C, Rossman AY, Kennedy AH, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2015) Microchrysosphaera graminicola, an enigmatic new genus and species in the Hypocreales from Panama. Mycological Progress 14: 72 (12 pages).

Lotz-Winter H, Sandau H, Piepenbring M (2015) Überraschende Vielfalt: Pilze in Frankfurt am Main. In: Starke-Ottich I, Bönsel D, Gregor T, et al. (eds) Stadtnatur im Wandel-Artenvielfalt in Frankfurt am Main. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp 83–105

Piepenbring M (2015) Introduction to mycology in the tropics. APS Press, St. Paul

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA, Miranda E, Cáceres O, Unterseher M (2015) Leaf shedding and weather in tropical dry-seasonal forest shape the phenology of fungi–Lessons from two years of monthly surveys in southwestern Panama. Fungal Ecology 18:83–92.

Rodríguez-Justavino DR, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2015) New species and new records of Meliolaceae from Panama. Fungal Diversity 70:73–84.

Scheufen S, Strommer S, Weisenborn J, et al (2015) Clinical manifestation of an amelanotic Sporothrix schenckii complex isolate in a cat in Germany. JMM Case Reports. doi: 10.1099/jmmcr.0.000039

Cruz D, Suárez JP, Kottke I, Piepenbring M (2014) Cryptic species revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis of sequences obtained from basidiomata of Tulasnella. Mycologia 106:708–722.

de Carvalho J, Alves A, Rios EE, Piepenbring M (2014) A new species of Nyssopsora (Pucciniales) from Panama. Nova Hedwigia 99:65–70.

Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2014) New records of plant parasitic Asterinaceae (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) with intercalary appressoria from Central America and Panama. Tropical Plant Pathology 39:419–427.

Hongsanan S, Li Y-M, Liu J-K, Hofmann T, Piepenbring M, et al (2014) Revision of genera in Asterinales. Fungal diversity 68:1–68.

Kirschner R, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2014) New records of foliicolous hyphomycetes (anamorphic Dothideomycetes) from tropical lowland in Chiriquí, Panamá. Puénte Biol 6:1–17.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2014) New records of three Ramichloridium species on banana leaves in Panama and Taiwan. Mycoscience 55:260–267.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2014) Two new species of Passalora and Periconiella (cercosporoid hyphomycetes) from Panama. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 35, 151-156.Lotz-Winter H, Piepenbring M (2014) Pilze im botanischen Garten. In: Jenny M, Wessel M, Winter C (eds) Der Botanische Garten Frankfurt am Main. Ein illustrierter Führer. Freundeskreis Botanischer Garten Frankfurt am Main e.V., Norderstedt, pp 74–79

Perdomo Sánchez O, Piepenbring M (2014) Species of Uromyces (Pucciniales, Basidiomycota) on Loranthaceae. Tropical Plant Pathology 39:141–153.

Tedersoo L, Bahram M, Põlme S, et al (2014) Global diversity and geography of soil fungi. Science 346:1256688.

Witkowski A, Barka F, Mann DG, Chunlian L, Weisenborn JLF, et al (2014) A description of Biremis panamae sp. nov., a new diatom species from the marine littoral, with an account of the phylogenetic position of Biremis D.G. Mann et E.J. Cox (Bacillariophyceae). PLoS ONE 9:e114508. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114508

Bálint M, Tiffin P, Hallström B, O'Hara RB, Olson MS, Fankhauser JD Piepenbring M, Schmitt I (2013) Host genotype shapes the foliar fungal microbiome of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera). PLoS ONE 8(1): e53987. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053987 .

Castillo SY, Bernal Vega JA, Lezcano J, Piepenbring M, Cáceres O (2013) Hongos entomopatógenos asociados a insectos recolectados en plantaciones de café en el oeste de Panamá. Tecnociencia 15: 29-39.

Chacón S, Dörge D, Weisenborn J, Piepenbring M (2013) A new species and a new record of Diatrypaceae (Xylariales) from Panama. Mycologia (online)

Piepenbring M, Yilmaz E, Weisenborn J (2013) Two new records of smut fungi for Panama and new combinations into the genus Tolyposporium. Tropical Plant Pathology 38: 3-10.

Tian H-Z, Yang Z, Wang S, Hou C-L, Piepenbring M (2013) A new species and phylogenetic data for Nematococcomyces. Botany 91: 592-596.

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA, Unterseher M, Kost G (2012) Species richness of plants and fungi in western Panama – towards a fungal inventory in the tropics. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2181-2193.

Piepenbring M, Nold F, Trampe T, Kirschner R (2012) Revision of the genus Graphiola. Nova Hedwigia 94: 67-96.

Kirschner R, Lee I-S, Piepenbring M (2012) A new pycnidial fungus with clamped hyphae from Central America. Mycological Progress 11: 561-568.

Mangelsdorff R, Piepenbring M, Perdomo-Sanchéz O (2012) Correlation of diversity of rust fungi and their host plants with disturbance and conservation of vegetation in western Panama. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2323-2339.

Piepenbring M (2012) Fadenwesen in vielfältigen Nahrungsnischen: Tropische Pilze. Biologie in unserer Zeit 42: 294-301.

Andrade JM, Malagón O, Piepenbring M, Armijos C (2012) Etnomicología y valor nutricional de macrohongos silvestres de la comunidad indígena Saraguro en el sur del Ecuador. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 36: 193-201.

Araúz V, Piepenbring M (2012) Nuevos reportes de Meliolales y plantas hospederas para Panamá. Puente Biológico 4: 1-23.

Gillen K, Læssøe T, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2012) Favolaschia species (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Ecuador and Panama. Nova Hedwigia 96: 117-165.

Araúz K, Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2011) Nuevos reportes de Ascomycetes bitunicados parásitos de plantas para Panamá. Puente Biológico 3: 1-9.

Gómez V AK, Rodríguez R R, Villareal S VR, González O A, Piepenbring M (2011) Guía de mangles de la Costa Pacífica de Chiriquí, Panamá. Puente Biologico 3: 33-49.

Guerrera Y, Hofmann TA, Williams C, Thines M, Piepenbring M (2011) Asterotexis cucurbitacearum a poorly known pathogenic fungus on cultivated species of Cucurbitaceae and new reports for Panama and Costa Rica. Mycology 2: 87-90.

Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2011) Biodiversity of Asterina species on neotropical host plants: new species and records from Panama. Mycologia 103: 1284-1301.

Inácio CA, Araúz K, Piepenbring M (2011) A new genus of Parmulariaceae from Panama. Mycological Progress  (online available). DOI 10.1007/s11557-011-0791-9 .

Piepenbring M, Cáceres O, Caballero E (2011) Pioneer forage for fungi in the Darién area, Eastern Panama: Quadruplicating the knowledge of fungi of the Darién, Panama, based on three days of field work. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 2511-2526. DOI 10.1007/s10531-011-0085-1 .

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA, Unterseher M, Kost G (2011) Species richness of plants and fungi in western Panama – towards a fungal inventory in the tropics. Biodiversity and Conservation (online available).DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0213-y .  

Piepenbring M, Hofmann TA,  Kirschner R, Mangelsdorff  R,  Perdomo  O,  Rodríguez Justavino D, Trampe T (2011) Diversity patterns of Neotropical plant parasitic microfungi. Ecotropica 17: 27-40.

Cruz D, Suárez JP,  Kottke I,  Piepenbring M,  Oberwinkler F (2011) Defining species in Tulasnella by correlating morphology and nrDNA ITS-5.8S sequence data of basidiomata from a tropical Andean forest. Mycological Progress 10:  229-238. DOI 10.1007/s11557-010-0692-3 .

Piepenbring M, Camarena J, Cruz D, Gómez AK,  Guerrero Y, Hofmann TA, Kirschner R,  de Matas M, Perez L, Rodríguez D, Ureta J, Vargas I, Williams C (2011) New records of fungi pathogenic on cultivated plants in Panama. Myxotaxon 115: 534-535.

Lotz-Winter H, Hofmann TA, Kirschner R, Kursave M, Trampe T, Piepenbring M (2011) Pilze im Botanischen Garten der Universität Frankfurt am Main. Z. Mykol. 77: 89-122.

Guzmán G, Piepenbring M (2011) Los hongos de Panamá. Introducción a la identificación de los hongos macroscópicos. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui, Panama & Instituto de Ecologia, Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico.  1-372.

Hofmann TA, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2010) Phylogenetic relationships and new records of Asterinaceae (Dothideomycetes) from Panama. Fungal Diversity 43: 39-53. DOI 10.1007/s13225-010-0042-4 .

Piepenbring M, Espinoza J, Saldaña L, Cáceres O (2010) New records, host plants, morphological and molecular data of Exobasidiales (Basidiomycota) from Panama. Nova Hedwigia 91: 231-242. DOI 10.1127/0029-5035/2010/0091-0231 .

Klees G, Hoppe C, Piepenbring M, Dierkes P (2010) Fernstudium der Mykologie, Einsatz von interaktiven Animationen und eLectures. Hamburger eLMagazin 05-12: 55-56.

Kirschner R, Araúz V, Herbst F, Hofmann TA, Ix S, Nozon Th, Piepenbring M (2010) A new species ofPuttemansia (Tubeufiaceae, Pleosporales) and new records of further Ascomycota from Panama. Sydowia 62: 225-241.

Hou CL, Trampe T, Piepenbring M (2010) A new species of Rhytisma causes tar spot on Comarostaphylis arbutoides (Ericaceae) in Panama. Mycopathologia 169: 225-229. DOI 10.1007/s11046-009-9250-4 .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2010) Two new species of Ramichloridium-like hyphomycetes from senescent leaves of Night-scented Lily (Alocasia odora) in Taiwan. Fungal Diversity 40:  41-50. DOI 10.1007/s13225-009-0002-z .

Kirschner R, Nebel M, Butterfass Th (2010) Observations on fertile populations of Lunularia cruciata (L.)Dumort. ex Lindb. (Marchantiopsida: Lunulariaceae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 3: 363-371.

Villarreal S, RV, Valdés R, LA, Bernal V, JA, Piepenbring M, Kirschner R (2010) A new species ofLaboulbenia and new records from Panama. Mycological Progress 9: 57-67. DOI 10.1007/s11557-009-0619-z .

Weisenborn JLF, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2010) A new darkly pigmented and keratinolytic species ofAcremonium (hyphomycetes) with relationship to the Plectosphaerellaceae from human skin and nail lesions in Panama. Nova Hedwigia 90:  457-468.

Weisenborn JLF, Kirschner R, Cáceres O, Piepenbring M (2010) Talaromyces indigoticus Takada & Udagawa, the first record for Panama and the American Continent. Mycopathologia,  DOI 10.1007/s11046-010-9305-6 .

Carmona A, Fournier J, Williams C, Piepenbring M (2009) New records of Xylariaceae from Panama.North American Fungi 4: 1 -11.

Entian K-D,  Gockele A, Karas M, Kirschner R, Kötter P, Piepenbring M, Stein T, Schneider G (2009) Identifizierung neuer antibiotischer Wirkstoffe. Biospektrum 4: 408-410.

Gube M, Piepenbring M (2009) Preliminary annotated checklist of Gasteromycetes in Panama. Nova Hedwigia 89: 519-543.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2009) Lophodermium puerense, a new species on needles of Pinus yunnanensisvar. tenuifolia from southwest Yunnan. Mycotaxon 107: 259-262.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2009) Two new Rhytismatales on Rhododendron from China. Mycologia 101: 383-389.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2009) New species and new records of Rhytismatales from Panama. Mycologia 101: 565-572. DOI 10.3852/08-216 .

Hou CL, Li L, Piepenbring M (2009) Lophodermium pini-mugonis sp. nov. on needles of Pinus mugo from the Alps based on morphological and molecular data. Mycological Progress 8: 29-33.

Kirschner R, (2009) Cercosporella and Ramularia. Mycologia 101: 110-119.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2009) Supplementary notes on Basidiopycnis hyalina (Basidiomycota, Atractiellales) and its anamorph. Mycotaxon 109: 29-38.

Kirschner R, Hou CL, Chen CJ (2009) Co-occurrence of Pseudocercospora species and rhytismatalean ascomycetes on maple and camellia in Taiwan. Mycological Progress 8: 1-8.

Piepenbring M (2009) Reportes nuevos de Agaricales para Panamá. Acta Biologica Panamensis 1: 22-38.

Rincón R, Mendoza R, Cáceres D, Piepenbring M (2009) Nombres comunes de plantas en el oeste de Panamá. Puente Biológico 2: 7-101 + 5 plates.

Bitzer J, Laessoe T, Fournier J, Kummer V, Decock C, Tichy HV,  Piepenbring M, Persoh D, Stadler M (2008) Affinities of Phylacia and the daldinoid Xylariaceae, inferred from chemotypes of cultures and ribosomal DNA sequences. Mycological Research 112: 251-270.

Hahner D, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M, Schöfer H (2208) First isolation of the anamorphic yeastTrichosporon faecale in Germany, from a skin of a patient with tinea pedis. Mycopathologia 165: 149-153.DOI 10.1007/s11046-008-9092-5 .

Hofmann TA, Piepenbring M (2008) New species and records of Asterina from Panama. Mycological Progress 7: 87-98. DOI 10.1007/s11557-008-0555-3 .

Kirschner R (2008) Ostasiatische Papiermaulbeerbäume (Broussonetia spp., Moraceae). Der Palmengarten 72: 102-109.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2008) A new species of Trimorphomyces (Basidiomycota, Tremellales) from Taiwan. Nova Hedwigia 87: 445-455.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2008) The Ovulariopsis anamorph of Phyllactinia bauhiniae var. cassiae: first record outside India and morphological characterization. Sydowia 60: 57-67.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2008) Physalacria corticola, P. stilboidea, and Stilbum vulgare, three sphaeropedunculate Basidiomycota new to Taiwan, with notes on Stilbum erythrinae. Fungal Science 23: 51-61.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2008) Two new hyphomycetes parasitic on leaves of Maianthemum species in Panama. Mycological Progress 7: 21-29. DOI 10.1007/s11557-007-0549-6 .

Perdomo-Sánchez O, Piepenbring M (2008) A new species of Puccinia (Pucciniales, Basidiomycota) an new records of rust fungi from Panama. Mycological Progress 7: 161-168. DOI 10.1007/s11557-008-0561-5 .

Pérez-Martínez JM, Piepenbring M (2008) New records and new hosts of smut fungi from Cuba. Nova Hedwigia 87: 185-194.

Piepenbring M (2008) Einführung in die heimischen Brandpilze. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 74: 99-110.

Piepenbring M, Ruiz-Boyer A (2008) Diversity and ecology of fungi in the Golfo Dulce region. Stapfia 88: 179-192.

Stadler M, Fournier J, Laessoe T, Lechat C, Tichy HV, Piepenbring M (2008) Recognition of hypoxyloid and xylarioid Entonaema species from a comparison of holomorphic myorphology, HPLC profiles, and ribosomal DNA sequences. Mycological Progress 7: 53-73. DOI 10.1007/s11557-008-0553-5 .

Hernández JR, Piepenbring M, Vega Rios MB (2007) A new species, Dicheirinia panamensis, and new records of rust fungi from Panama. Mycological Progress 2: 81-91. DOI 10.1007/s11557-007-0526-0  .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2007) Two new species of Rhytismataceae on twigs of conifers from Yunnan Province, China. Mycotaxon 102: 165-170.

Hou CL, Liu L, Piepenbring M (2007) A new species of Hypoderma and description of H. rubi (Ascomycota) from China. Nova Hedwigia 84: 487-493.

Jäger-Zürn I, Novelo R A,  Philbrick CT, Piepenbring M (2007) Pinnately ramified ensiform leaves in the genus Marathrum (Podostemaceae - Podostemoideae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 268: 97-117.DOI 10.1007/s00606-007-0561-y .

Kirschner R, Arnold Günter R W, Chen CJ (2007) Cladobotryum semicirculare sp. nov. (Hyphomycetes) from commercially grown Ganoderma tsugae in Taiwan and other Basidiomycota in Cuba. Sydowia 59: 114-124.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2007) New reports of two hypophyllous Septobasidium species from Taiwan. Fungal Science 22: 39-46.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ 82007) New species and reports of foliicolous hyphomycetes from Taiwan. Fungal Diversity 26: 219-239.

Piepenbring M, Cáceres M, O A, Espino E, A A, Kirschner R, Schöfer H (2007) Chromoblastomycosis caused by Chaetomium funicola: a case report from Panama. British Journal of Dermatology 157: 1025-1029. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.08091.x .

Rodríguez J D, Piepenbring M (2007) Two new species of Appendiculella (Meliolaceae) from Panama. Mycologia 99: 544-552. DOI: 10.3852/mycologia.99.4.544 .

Trampe T, Piepenbring M (2007) Tropische Teerfleckenpilze in Panama. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 73: 37-60.

Cáceres O, Kirschner R, Piepenbring M, Schöfer H (2006) Gené, J.: Hormographiella verticillata and anOzonium stage as anamorphs of Coprinellus domesticus. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 89: 79-90. DOI 10.1007/s10482-005-9011-4 .

Hofmann T, Piepenbring M (2006) New records and host plants of fly-speck fungi from Panama. Fungal Diversity 22: 55-70.

Hou CL, Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2006) A new species and new records of Rhytismatales from Taiwan.Mycotaxon 95: 71-79.

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2006) Five new species of Hypoderma (Rhytismatales, Ascomycota) with a key toHypoderma species known from China. Nova Hedwigia 82: 91-104. DOI 10.1127/0029-5035/2006/0082-0091 .

Kirschner R (2006) New records of Clonostachys epichloë, a mycoparasitic fungus on the grass-parasitic ascomycete Epichloë typhina for Europe. Feddes Repertorium 117: 307-311. DOI 10.1002/fedr.200611093 .

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2006) A new fungicolous species of Titaea and new reports of Bahusaganda indica and Exosporium ampullaceum (Hyphomycetes) from tropical rainforests in Panama. Fungal Diversity 21: 93-103.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2006) A new hyphomycete genus and species with pectinate conidia from a rainforest in Panama - a living fungal fossil? Mycological Progress 5: 136-138. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0508-7 .

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M (2006) New species and records of cercosporoid hyphomycetes from Panama. Mycological Progress 5: 207-219. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0513-x .

Piepenbring M (2006) Checklist of fungi in Panama. Puente Biológico (Revista Científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí) 1: 1-195.

Piepenbring M (2007) Inventoring the fungi of Panama. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 73-84. DOI 10.1007/s10531-006-9051-8 .

Piepenbring M (2006) Neue Ergebnisse zur Diversität und Ökologie von Brandpilzen in Panama.Zeitschrift für Mykologie 72: 89-100.

Oberwinkler F, Kirschner R, Arenal F, Villareal M, Rubio V, Begerow D, Bauer R, (2006) Two new pycnidial members of the Atractiellales: Basidiopycnis hyalina and Proceropycnis pinicola. Mycologia 98: 627-649. DOI: 10.3852/mycologia.98.4.637 .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2005) Known and two new species of Rhytisma (Rhytismatales, Ascomycota) from China. Mycopathologia 159: 299-306. DOI 10.1007/s11046-004-5653-4 .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2005) Two new species of Colpoma on trees from China. Forest Pathology 35: 359-364. DOI 10.1111/j.1439-0329.2005.00415.x .

Hou CL, Lin Y, Piepenbring M (2005) Species of Rhytismataceae on needles of Juniperus spp. from China. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 37-46. DOI 10.1139/b04-149 .

Kirschner R (2005) "Liebes-Jade", Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang: eine in Taiwan endemische Nutzpflanze. Der Palmengarten 69: 85-90.

Kirschner R, Wu SH (2005) Echinoporia hydnophora, a polypore new for Taiwan. Fungal Science 20: Nr. 3-4, 99-103.

Kirschner R, Yang ZL (2005) Dacryoscyphus chrysochilus, a new staurosporous anamorph with cupulate conidiomata from China and with affinities to the Dacrymycetales (Basidiomycota). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 87: 329-337. DOI 10.1007/s10482-004-6784-9 .

Piepenbring M (2005) Sphaerophragmium pulchrum, a new species of rust fungi from Panama . Mycological Progress 4: 161-166. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0119-3 .

Agerer R, Piepenbring M, Blanz P (2004) (Eds.): Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW:  428 Seiten. ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Hou CL, Piepenbring M, Oberwinkler F (2004) Nematococcomyces rhododendri, a new species in a new genus of the Rhytismatales from China. Mycologia 96: 1380-1385.

Kirschner R (2004) Sporodochial anamorphs of species of Helicogloea. In: Agerer R, Piepenbring M, Blanz P, (Eds.): Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW: 165-178:  ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2004) Helicomyxa everhartioides, a new helicosporous sporodochial hyphomycete from Taiwan with relationships to the Hyaloriaceae (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota). Studies in Mycology 50: 337-342.

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2004) Two new species of the staurosporous hyphomycetous generaCeratosporium and Diplocladiella from Taiwan. Mycologia 96: 917-924.

Kirschner R, Piepenbring M, Chen CJ (2004) Some cercosporoid hoyphomycetes from Taiwan, including a new species of Stenella and new reports of Distocercospora pachyderma and Phacellium paspali. Fungal Diversity 17: 57-68.

Piepenbring M (2004) Comparative morphology of galls formed by smut fungi and discussion of generic concepts. In: Agerer R,  Piepenbring M, Blanz P (Eds.) : Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW: 117-164:  ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Yang ZL, Piepenbring M (2004) Wild edible fungi in the Yunnan Province, southwestern China . In: Agerer R, Piepenbring M, Blanz P (Hrsg.): Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. Eching: IHW: 419-426,  ISBN 3-930167-57-3 .

Kirschner R (2003) Two new species of Pyxidiophora associated with bark beetles in Europe. Mycological Progress 2: 209-218. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0058-z .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2003) A new record of Rogersiomyces okefenokeensis (Basidiomycota) from beetle galleries in pines in Taiwan. Sydowia 55: 86-92.

Kirschner R, Braun U, Yang ZL (2003) Pseudocercospora siraitiae sp. nov. (hyphomycetes) on leaves ofSiraitia cf. siamensis (Cucurbitaceae) in China. Fungal Diversity 14: 77-83.

Kirschner R, Sampaio JP, Begerow D, Chen ZC,  Oberwinkler F (2003) Mycogloea nipponica - the first known teleomorph in the heterobasidiomycetous yeast genus Kurtzmanomyces. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 84: 109-114. DOI 10.1023/A:1025484800974 .

Piepenbring M (2003) Fungi. In: Ibisch P,  Merida G (Hrsg.): Biodiversidad: La riqueza de Bolivia. Estado de conocimiento y conservación. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia: Editorial FAN: 90-96.

Piepenbring M (2003) Smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes p. p. and Microbotryales). Flora Neotropica Monograph 86: 1-291.

Piepenbring M, Oberwinkler F (2003) Integrating morphological and molecular characteristics for a phylogenetic system of smut fungi. Botanische Jahrbücher 124: 241-253.

Scholler M, Schnittler M, Piepenbring M (2003) Species of Anthracoidea (Ustilaginales, Basidiomycota) on Cyperaceae in Arctic Europe. Nova Hedwigia 76: 415-428.

Stoll M, Piepenbring M, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F (2003) Molecular phylogeny of Ustilago and Sporisorium species (Basidiomycota, Ustilaginales) based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 976-984. DOI 10.1139/b03-094 .

Gebhardt H, Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2002) A new Ophiostoma species isolated from the ambrosia beetle Xyleborus dryographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Mycological Progress 1:  377-382. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0034-7 .

Kirschner R, Chen CJ (2002) Dictyochaeta multifimbriata, a new species from Taiwan. Mycological Progress 1: 287-289. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0026-7 .

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2002) Sebacina allantoidea sp. nov. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 23:. 129-133.

Kirschner R, Braun U, Chen ZC, Oberwinkler F (2002) Pleurovularia, a new genus of hyphomycetes proposed for a parasite on leaves of Microstegium sp. (Poaceae). Mycoscience 43: 15-20. DOI 10.1007/s102670200003 .

Pérez JM, Rodríguez M, Piepenbring M, Minter D (2002) Cuban smuts. IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria 153: 1521-1530

Piepenbring M (2002) Annotated check list and key for smut fungi in Colombia. Caldasia 24:  103-119.

Piepenbring M (2002) Diversity, taxonomy, and ecology of plant parasitic smut fungi in Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia 37: 49-58.

Piepenbring M (2002) Morphology of Liroa emodensis (Microbotryales, Basidiomycota) on Polygonum chinense. Fungal Science 17: 55-64.

Piepenbring M, Stein P (2002) Morphology and ecology of fruit release of Luziola subintegra (Poaceae). Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 72: 253-264.

Piepenbring M, Stoll M, Oberwinkler F (2002) The generic position of Ustilago maydis, Ustilago scitaminea, and Ustilago esculenta (Ustilaginales). Mycological Progress 1: 71-80. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0006-y .

Piepenbring M, Caballero P,  Arrocha C, Cáceres MO (2002) Royas, carbones y otros hongos parásitos de plantas. Natura 10: 26-36.

Wang SR, Piepenbring M (2002) New species and new records of smut fungi from China. Mycological Progress 1: 399-408. DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0036-5 .

Bauer R, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F, Piepenbring M, Berbee M (2001) Ustilaginomycetes . In: D. J. McLaughlin; E. McLaughlin; P. A. Lemke (Hrsg.): Mycota VII. Systematics and Evolution. Berlin: Springer, Mycota Bd.VII:  57-83.

Kirschner R (2001) Diversity of Filamentous Fungi in Bark Beetle Galleries in Central Europe In: Misra J K, Horn BW (Hrsg.): Trichomycetes and Other Fungal Groups: Professor Robert W. Lichtwardt Commemoration Volume. Enfield (NH), USA: Science Publishers, Inc.: 175-196.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2001) Mycoparasitism by three species of Diplococcium (Hyphomycetes). Plant Biology 3: 449-454. DOI 10.1055/s-2001-16457 .

Kirschner R, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (2001) Colacosiphon: a new genus described for a mycoparasitic fungus. Mycologia 93: 634-644.

Kirschner R, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F (2001) A new Chionosphaera species associated with conifericolous bark beetles. Mycological Research 105: 1403-1408. DOI 10.1017}S0953756201005019.

Kirschner R, Chen ZC, Oberwinkler F (2001) New records of ten species of hyphomycetes from Taiwan. Fungal Science 16: 47-62.

Kirschner R, Sampaio JP, Gadanho M, Weiß M, Oberwinkler F (2001) Cuniculitrema polymorpha(Tremellales, gen. nov. and sp. nov.), a heterobasidiomycete vectored by bark beetles, which is the teleomorph of Sterigmatosporidium polymorphum. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 80: 149-161. DOI 10.1023/A:1012275204498 .

Piepenbring M (2001) Cintractiella diplasiae - a second species of the genus Cintractiella (Ustilaginales) with sori in adventitious spikelets on Hypolytreae (Cyperaceae). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 4: 116-120. DOI 10.1078/1433-8319-00018 .

Piepenbring M (2001) Smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes and Microbotryales, Basidiomycota) in Panama.Revista de Biología Tropical 49: 411-428.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (2000) A new species of Colacogloea with zygoconidia. Sydowia 52: 195-203.

Piepenbring M (2000) Edible tubers formed by roots of Juncus microcephalus Kunth in H.B.K. Feddes Repertorium 111: 567-570. DOI 10.1002/fedr.20001110724 .

Piepenbring M (2000) New species of smut fungi from the neotropics. Mycological Research 105: 757-767. DOI 10.1017/S0953756200004135 .

Piepenbring M (2000) The species of Cintractia s. l. (Ustilaginales, Basidiomycota). Nova Hedwigia 70: 289-372.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1999) A new basidiomycetous anamorph genus with cruciform conidia. Mycoscience 40: 345-348. DOI 10.1007/BF02463878 .

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1999) A new Ophiostoma species associated with bark beetles infesting Norway spruce. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 241-252. DOI 10.1139/cjb-77-2-247 .

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1999) Cylindrocarpostylus, a new genus based on a hyphomycete rediscovered from bark beetle galleries. Mycological Research 103: 1152-1156.

Kirschner R, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1999) Atractocolax, a new heterobasidiomycetous genus based on a species vectored by conifericolous bark beetles. Mycologia 91: 538-543.

Piepenbring M (1999) New and poorly known smut fungi in Cuba. Mycological Research 103 : 459-467.

Piepenbring M, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F (1999) Molecular sequence data assess the value of morphological characteristics for a phylogenetic classification of species of Cintractia. Mycologia 91: 485-498.

Kirschner R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Phialocephala trigonospora, a new hyphomycete species associated with conifericolous bark beetles. Sydowia 50: 205-212.

Piepenbring M (1998) Ökologische und morphologische Beobachtungen an Riedgräsern (Cyperaceae) in Mesoamerika. Der Palmengarten 62: 85-89.

Piepenbring M, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Teliospores of smut fungi: General aspects of teliospores and sporogenesis. Protoplasma 204: 155-169. DOI 10.1007/BF01280322  .

Piepenbring M, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Teliospores of smut fungi: Teliospore connections, appendages, and germ pores studied by electron microscopy; phylogenetic discussion of characteristics of teliospores. Protoplasma 204: 202-218. DOI 10.1007/BF01280324 .

Piepenbring M, Bauer R, Oberwinkler F (1998) Teliospores of smut fungi: Teliospore walls and the development of ornamentation studied by electron microscopy. Protoplasma 204:  170-201. DOI 10.1007/BF01280323 .

Piepenbring M, Hagedorn G, Oberwinkler F (1998) Spore liberation and dispersal in smut fungi. Botanica Acta 111: 444-460.

Piepenbring M, Rodriguez  H, M (1998) Carbones (Fungi: Ustilaginomycetes) de Cuba. I parte. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional (de Cuba) 19: 121-131.

Piepenbring M, Rodriguez H, M (1998) Carbones (Fungi: Ustilaginomycetes) de Cuba. II parte. Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional (de Cuba) 19: 132-146.

Piepenbring M (1997) The morphology of witches' brooms of Mycosyrinx cissi (Ustilaginales) on Cissus spp. (Vitaceae). Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 69: 177-190.

Piepenbring M, Bauer R (1997) Erratomyces, a new genus of Tilletiales with species on Leguminosae.Mycologia 89: 924-936.

Piepenbring M (1996) Ecology, seasonal variation, and altitudinal distribution of Costa Rican smut fungi (Ustilaginales and Tilletiales, Basidiomycetes). Revista de Biología Tropical 44: (Suppl. 4) (1996) 115-123.

Piepenbring M (1996)  Smut fungi (Ustilaginales and Tilletiales) in Costa Rica. Nova Hedwigia Beih. 113: 1-155.

Piepenbring M (1996) Two new Entyloma species (Ustilaginales) in Central America. Sydowia 48: 241-249.

Piepenbring M, Vanky K, Oberwinkler F (1996) Aurantiosporium, a new genus of Ustilaginales. Plant Systematics and Evolution 199: 53-64. DOI 10.1007/BF00985917 .

Piepenbring M, Bauer R (1995) Noteworthy germinations of some Costa Rican Ustilaginales. Mycological Research 99: 853-858. DOI 10.1016/S0953-7562(09)80741-7 .

Piepenbring M (1995) Taxonomic studies on Ustilaginales from Costa Rica. Mycological Research 99: 783-788.

Piepenbring M (1995) Trichocintractia, a new genus for Cintractia utriculicola (Ustilaginales). Canadian Journal of Botany 73: 1089-1096. DOI 10.1139/b95-118 .

Piepenbring M, Napp-Zinn K (1993) Comparative anatomical studies on foliar organs of Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 67: 367-386