News Archive 2020

New publication on comparative toxicity assessment of in situ burn residues to initial and dispersed heavy fuel oil using zebrafish embryos as test organisms

04. December 2020

Have a look on our latest publication on the toxicity assessment of oil spill response measures using zebrafish early life stages. The toxciity of collected burn residues from a huge in situ burning field experiment within the EU H2020 funded project GRACE was compared to chemical dispersion.

Johann, S., Goßen, M., Mueller, L., Selja, V., Gustavson, K., Fritt-Rasmussen, J., Wegeberg, S., Ciesielski, T.M., Jenssen, B.M., Hollert, H., Seiler, T.-B., 2020. Comparative toxicity assessment of in situ burn residues to initial and dispersed heavy fuel oil using zebrafish embryos as test organisms. Environ Sci Pollut Res.

Find out more about the field experiment conducted in a fjord in Greenland here.

Henner Hollert listed as ISI highly cited

24. November 2020

With great pleasure we would like to announce that Prof. Dr. Henner Hollert is now listed as "ISI Highly Cited Researcher". Each year Clarivate Analytics evaluates its "Web of Science" database and lists the 1 % most cited researchers world wide.

Goethe University Press Report

Henner Hollert want to greatly thank his team for contributing to this honor.

3 new publication on animal-free S9

23. November 2020

Check out our latest publications on animal-free S9. The pulications cover...

... the optimization of a pre-metabolization procedure for effect-based methods with animal-derived and animal-free metabolisations systems.

Shao, Y., Schiwy, A., Glauch, L., Henneberger, L., König, M., Mühlenbrink, M., Xiao, H., Thalmann, B., Schlichting, R., Hollert, H., Escher, B.I., 2020. Optimization of a pre-metabolization procedure using rat liver S9 and cell-extracted S9 in the Ames fluctuation test. Science of The Total Environment 749, 141468.

...the variance of animal-derived metabolisations systems within the Ames fluctuations test and the application of a animal-free metablistation system.

Brendt, J., Crawford, S.E., Velki, M., Xiao, H., Thalmann, B., Hollert, H., Schiwy, A., 2020. Is a liver comparable to a liver? A comparison of different rat-derived S9-fractions with a biotechnological animal-free alternative in the Ames fluctuation assay. Science of The Total Environment 143522.

...and the development and use of a new high-throughput method proposed in our lab for the micronucleus assay that compares animal-free with rat-derived S9 fractions to assess the genotoxicity of substances (Free access:

Brendt, J., Lackmann, C., Heger, S., Velki, M., Crawford, S. E., Xiao, H., Thalmann, B., Schiwy, A., & Hollert, H. (2021). Using a high-throughput method in the micronucleus assay to compare animal-free with rat-derived S9./The Science of the total environment/,/751/, 142269.

Congrats to Dr. Ying Shao, Dr. Andreas Schiwy and Julia Brendt!

New publication on the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in waste water

01. October2020

New publication on the detection of covid 19 in samples from wasterwater treatment plants in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). A methodological contribution to wastewater based epidemiology.

Westhaus, S., Weber, F.-A., Schiwy, S., Linnemann, V., Brinkmann, M., Widera, M., Greve, C., Janke, A., Hollert, H., Wintgens, T., Ciesek, S., 2021. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in raw and treated wastewater in Germany – Suitability for COVID-19 surveillance and potential transmission risks. Science of The Total Environment 751, 141750.

New joint publication in ESEU

23. July 2020

New joint publication in ESEU:

Dulio, V., Koschorreck, J., van Bavel, B. et al., 2020. The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let's cooperate!. Environ Sci Eur 32, 100.

The Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC) is currently under development as a joint research and innovation programme to strengthen the scientific basis for chemical risk assessment in the EU. The plan is to bring chemical risk assessors and managers together with scientists to accelerate method development and the production of necessary data and knowledge, and to facilitate the transition to next-generation evidence-based risk assessment, a non-toxic environment and the European Green Deal.

New joint Publication in Arch Toxicol

22. July 2020

New joint Publication in Arch Toxicol published in Open Access: Complementation of genotoxicity testing by addressing initiating events leading to malign transformation is suggested. A vertebrate cell model showing "healthy" stemness is recommended, in contrast to malign transformed cells used in toxicology/oncocology.

Hölzel, B. N., K. Pfannkuche, B. Allner, H. T. Allner, J. Hescheler, D. Derichsweiler, H. Hollert, A. Schiwy, J. Brendt, M. Schaffeld, A. Froschauer and P. Stahlschmidt-Allner, 2020. Following the adverse outcome pathway from micronucleus to cancer using H2B-eGFP transgenic healthy stem cells. Arch Toxicol.

Micro-EROD assay as a screening tool and predictor of dioxin-like compounds in sediment

09. July 2020

Check out this new publication on the use of the micro-EROD assay as a screening tool for dioxin-like compounds in sediment.

Ouellet J, Gembé C, Buchinger S, Reifferscheid G, Hollert H, Brinkmann M. Validation of the micro-EROD assay with H4IIE cells for assessing sediment contamination with dioxin-like chemicals. Environmental Pollution 2020; 265: 114984.

Cadmium disrupts the olfactory system of zebrafish (Danio rerio)

07. July 2020

Check out this new publication on the effects cadmium on the olfactory system of zebrafish. A 50 day free access is available here.

Volz, S.N., Hausen, J., Nachev, M., Ottermanns, R., Schiwy, S., Hollert, H., 2020. Short exposure to cadmium disrupts the olfactory system of zebrafish (Danio rerio) – Relating altered gene expression in the olfactory organ to behavioral deficits. Aquatic Toxicology 226, 105555.

Effects of assay design on the genotoxic potential in aquatic systems

18. June 2020

Check out this new publication on the effects of assay design on the genotoxic potential in aquatic systems.

Marić, Jovana Jovanović, Margareta Kračun-Kolarević, Stoimir Kolarević, Karolina Sunjog, Jovana Kostić-Vuković, Björn Deutschmann, Henner Hollert, Dina Tenji, Momir Paunović, and Branka Vuković-Gačić. 2020. 'Selection of assay, organism, and approach in biomonitoring significantly affects the evaluation of genotoxic potential in aquatic environments', Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Today I was involved as external reviewer for the great (virtual) defenseof Bettie Cormier at University in Bordeaux

08. June 2020

“TOXICITÉ DES MICROPLASTIQUES CHEZ LES POISSONS, AU-DELA DE SIMPLE VECTEURS DE POLLUANTS? - Microplastics toxicity for fish: beyond simple vectors for pollutants?"
Bettie did her Work within the Ephemar project and was supervised by Jerome Cachot (Bordeaux) and Steffen Keiter (Örebro). What a pity that was no chance to celebrate personally in Bordeaux with a glass of wine and the great colleagues…

Effects of microplastics on adult zebrafish

03. June 2020

Check out this new publication on the effects of microplastics on adult zebrafish. A 50 day free access is available here.

Chen, Q., Lackmann, C., Wang, W., Seiler, T.-B., Hollert, H., Shi, H. Microplastics Lead to Hyperactive Swimming Behaviour in Adult Zebrafish. Aquatic Toxicology 2020; 224: 105521.

Start of the Master’s Module “Evolutionary Ecology and Environmental Toxicology”

02. June 2020

After months of very much reduced research and teaching activities due to COVID-19 we can happily announce that on June 2nd our first Master's module of our new department took off. Even though the hygiene-requirements and the move to virtual teaching made it truly a big challenge for all the of us who are involved in teaching we can call this a huge success. Just recently, last Monday the practical course started which will introduce the students to a theoretical risk assessment scenario including live demonstrations of various effect-based methods, a roleplay between stakeholders, scientists and regulators and interview training, as well as a small field sampling trip all accompanied with a short introductory film-course. Starting from June 29th PD Dr. Werner Brack, who recently got his habilitation recognized by the Goethe University (see below), will take over the course for a virtual demonstration of the Helmholtzcentre for Environmental Research (UFZ). Even though, not one of the excursions and visits to the UFZ in Leipzig and to the black forest is possible this year as we planned it at first place, we hope to offer the students as much of an exciting teaching and learning experience as possible. At this point we want to thank everybody who is involved in the plannings and conduction of this course, you're doing a great job

Congratulations to Sarah for the successful defence of her PhD

28. Mai 2020

“Acute and mechanism-specific toxicity of oils and oil spill response actions – Adaption of relevant bioanalytical tools and evaluation of ecotoxicological effects" with Summa cum laude. Sarah worked within the EU Grace project and published a series of great papers. Congrats also to Dr. Thomas-Benjamin Seiler for the great direct supervison!

Umhabilitierung von PD Dr. Werner Brack

24. Mai 2020

Impressionen von einer virtuellen Antrittsvorlesung im Fach Ökologie über das Thema „Monitoring und Diagnose komplexer chemischer Mischungen im Wasserkörper - Lösungsorientierte Ansätze für ein besseres Wasserqualitätsmanagement“
PD Dr. Werner Brack war schon an der RWTH Aachen ein fester Teil der Lehre im Masterstudiengang „Ökotoxikologie“ und nach Prof. Henner Hollerts Ruf an die Goethe-Universität wechselte er seine Lehrberechtigung ebenfalls an dieselbige. Als sogenannte „Geister-Vorlesung“ im Hörsaal vor leeren Rängen hielt Werner aufgrund der Hygiene-Vorschriften seine Antrittsvorlesung, die aber selbstverständlich live als online-Stream verfolgt werden konnte. Trotz mittlerweile abgeschwächter Hygiene-Auflagen war eine ordentliche Feier natürlich nicht möglich aber unter Einhaltung des erforderlichen Abstands konnten wir ihm dennoch zur sehr gelungenen Vorlesung und seinem neuen Lehrauftrag hier an der Goethe-Universität beglückwünschen. Wir freuen uns auf alle zukünftigen, spannenden Lehrveranstaltungen und gemeinsame Forschungsvorhaben!

Official habilitation recognition of PD Dr. Werner Brack

24. Mai 2020

Impressions of a virtual inaugural lecture in ecology about “Monitoring and diagnosis of complex chemical mixtures in aquatic environments: Solution-oriented approaches for a better water quality management"
PD Dr. Werner Brack was already deeply involved in the teaching activities of the Master's program “Ecotoxicology" at the RWTH-Aachen University and now recently changed his habilitation to the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main as Prof. Henner Hollert moved with his group. His inaugural lecture was held as a socalled “Ghost-Lecture" in an empty lecture hall and could be watched as an online-live-stream. Despite the already lesser strict hygiene requirements a big celebration was not possible. Nevertheless, in a well-distanced manner we had the chance to compliment Werner on the well-done ecture and congratulate him to his new position. We are truly looking forward to exciting teaching and joint research opportunities in the future!

PhD defense of MSc Henriette Meyer-Alert

22. Mai 2020

“The Aryl-Hydrocarbon Receptor Pathway During Early Development of the Zebrafish - Assessing transcription, formation and activity of receptor-related proteins after exposure to four compounds with dioxin-like mode of action", DBU Fellowship
Henriette worked as PhD student at the Department for Ecosystem Analysis at the RWTH Aachen University since 2013 under supervison of Steffen Keiter and Henner Hollert. With her research funded by the “Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt" (DBU) she contributed important knowledge to a deeper understanding of signal transduction and physiological pathways that mediate toxic effects after chemical contamination. We congratulate Dr. Henriette Meyer-Alert to her great achievements!

​New book chapter in the Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology book series

20. Mai 2020

A new book chapter on advanced exposure methods of zebrafish embryos has been published in Methods of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Check it out here.

PhD defense of MSc Eva-Maria Buchner, geb Prantl

18. Mai 2020

“Bakterielle Genotoxizitätstests im Rahmen des gefährdungsbasierten Risikomanagements für Trinkwasser relevante Spurenstoffe", BMBF ToxBox

​ToxMate Lab Multi-Species Online Monitoring System (Viewpoint)

25. March 2020

As the very first German institution we are very proud to present our new flagship in behavioral research: The ToxMate Lab Multi-Species Online Monitoring System.

PhD defense Björn Deutschmann

25. March 2020

“Potential and challenge: Biomarker response analyses in Environmental Risk Assessment – Case studies with fish, within the Solutions Project"
Björn worked within the EU Project SOLUTIONS which aimed to develop effect-based tools to be implemented into the monitoring program of European surface water bodies. To assess the realistic application of several in vivo biomarker responses Björn joined the 2013 Joint Danube Survey 3 and an expedition of the research vessel Meteor at the North Sea. We congratulate Dr. Björn Deutschmann to his big achievement and thank him truly for his service and support for the department during his time as a PhD student in Aachen and wish him all the best for his future.

​E³T in homeoffice (SARS-CoV-2 news)

19. March 2020

Equiped with the latest state of the art technology (and our laptops) we are from now on working in homeoffice. You can reach us via email at any time!

Mind social distance and stay healthy!

First successful video conference:

New publication on 3,4-Dichloroaniline

10. March 2020

New insights into the toxicokinetics of 3,4-Dichloroaniline in early life stages of Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Get open access here.

Schiwy, S., Herber, A.-K., Hollert, H., Brinkmann, M., 2020. New Insights into the toxicokinetics of 3,4-Dichloroaniline in early life stages of Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Toxics 8, 16.

Congrats to Anne-Katrin Müller for successfully defending her PhD!

06. March 2020

Anne presented her public talk "Bioverfügbarkeit und Auswirkungen sedimentgebundener endokriner Disruptoren auf Fische unter Hochwasserbedingungen" on 27.02.2020 followed by the successful defence of her PhD with Summa cum laude. Congratulations! Anne has 2 published papers from her thesis with one more ready to be submitted, check them out here:

Sentinel: Adverse effects of pesticide pollution on human health

28. February 2020

Based on results from our joint DFG project Sentinel we published recently a joint paper with colleages from the UFZ in Leipzig and the icipe in Narobi, Kenya in Scientic reports. We show that pesticide pollution is a major driver in increasing the occurrence of host snails and thus the risk of schistosomiasis transmission. The study shows for the first time that in the field, pesticide concentrations considered “safe" in environmental risk assessment have indirect effects on human health. Thus we conclude there is a need for rethinking the environmental risk of low pesticide concentrations and of integrating agricultural mitigation measures in the control of schistosomiasis.

Becker, J.M., Ganatra, A.A., Kandie, F., Mühlbauer, L., Ahlheim, J., Brack, W., Torto, B., Agola, E.L., McOdimba, F., Hollert, H., Fillinger, U., Liess, M., 2020. Pesticide pollution in freshwater paves the way for schistosomiasis transmission. Scientific Reports 10, 3650.

New publication on high-throughput mutagenicity testing

19. February 2020

Exciting advancements on high-throughput mutagenicity testing. Optimisation of the RAMOS test.

Kauffmann K, Werner F, Deitert A, Finklenburg J, Brendt J, Schiwy A, Hollert H, Büchs J. Optimization of the Ames RAMOS test allows for a reproducible high-throughput mutagenicity test. Science of The Total Environment 2020; 711: 137168.

New publication on PPCPs

05. February 2020

Check out this new publication on the risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in Chinese surface waters. Elsevier provides open access here.

Liu N, Jin X, Feng C, Wang Z, Wu F, Johnson AC, Xiao H, Hollert H, Giesy JP. Ecological risk assessment of fifty pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in Chinese surface waters: A proposed multiple-level system. Environment International 2020; 136: 105454.

Visit at the Helmholtzcentre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Magdeburg

31. January 2020

Together with PD Dr. Patrick Fink (Dpts. River Ecology & Ecosystem Analysis) and PD Dr. Werner Brack (Dpt. Effect-directed Analysis) Prof. Henner Hollert and Markus Schmitz M. Sc. discussed joint project opportunities to investigate mechanism specific toxicity profiles at the Holtemme River in Saxony-Anhalt and got an introduction to the unique mobile aquatic mesocosm facilities of the UFZ (MOBICOS). Meanwhile, a joint project proposal and combined strategic plannings between our departments are well underway.

PhD defense of Liza-Marie Beckers

15. January 2020

“Novel approaches to identify drivers of chemical stress in small rivers", jointly supervised by PD Werner Brack and Henner Hollert
Liza worked as a PhD student at the Department for Effect-directed Analysis at the Helmholtzcentre for Environmental Research (UFZ) since 2015. With her research focused on the spatial and temporal dynamics of chemical organic contaminants in aquatic environments she significantly contributed to a better understanding how complex chemical mixtures affect the quality of European waterbodies. We congratulate Dr. Liza-Marie Beckers to her great achievements.

Congrats to Anne!

15. January 2020

Check out Anne's new publication Assessing endocrine disruption in freshwater fish species from a “hotspot" for estrogenic activity in sediment. A 50 day free access is avaiable here

Müller AK, Markert N, Lesera K, Kämpfer D, Crawford SE, Schäffer A, Segner H, Hollert H. Assessing endocrine disruption in freshwater fish species from a “hotspot" for estrogenic activity in sediment. Environmental Pollution 2020; 257: 113636.