For a first-class education in environmental sciences, intensive first-hand practical experience is essential. The Student's Lab "Fascinating Environment" was a huge story of success at Prof. Hollert's former Department of Ecosystem Analysis at the Institute for Environmental Research at the RWTH Aachen University. Within the last 10 years, the Student's Lab enabled more than 100 Bachelor's and Master's theses, as well as numerous dissertations, publications, platform presentations, and conference posters.

Thanks to our new partners here at the Goethe University (BÜCHI Labortechnik, Eppendorf AG, Faust Laborbedarf AG, ibs tecnomara GmbH, Leica Microsystems GmbH, NeuroBox Norman Network, OMNI Life Science, STARLAB INTERNATIONAL GmbH, Tecan Group AG, ViewPoint Behavior Technology), as well as supported by funding of the German chemical industry association (VCI, Verband der chemischen Industrie e.V.), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) and the Goethe University we can provide our students with a state-of-the-art-equipped laboratory for scientific work.

The laboratory portfolio comprises standardized test procedures such as the CALUX® assay, an in vitro reporter gene system, or in vivo investigations using Daphnia magna (OECD 202) or Danio rerio (Fish Embryo Toxicity assay; OECD 236). These test systems are scientifically and regulatory highly recognized and practical experience in such methods are valuable demanded skills at the ecotoxicological job market. Furthermore, completely new biological test procedures including novel types of behavioral studies (e.g., ToxmateLAB by ViewPoint) can be developed. Hereby, fundamental research questions and challenging methods development are addressed which require and prepare for extraordinary scientific expertise. Our students are thus given the opportunity to learn valuable scientific tools intuitively and as independently as possible in a well-equipped and collegial working environment. The scientific and technical possibilities of Student's Lab allow our students to deepen the theoretical knowledge which they gained during their studies.

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Official Students' Lab Partners

The Students' Lab was made possible with great contribution of our partners. This includes sponsoring, high discounts and items on loan. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners.