News Archive 2021

News Archive 2021

Michael Gundlach sucessfully defended his PhD thesis

21. December 2021

Congratulations to Michael Gundlach for his doctoral thesis on "Neuroactive psychotropic drugs in aquatic systems and the co-treatment of non-target organisms".

Werner Brack recieves professorship

14. December 2021

Werner Brack, Head of Department Effect-Directed Analysis at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, has been awarded a professorship at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Congrats Werner!

New publication on Green Toxicology

10. December 2021

A sustainable future requires sustainable product development. Please find our take on the importance of Gree Toxicology in biosurfactant development.

Johann, S., Weichert, F.G., Schröer, L., Stratemann, L., Kämpfer, C., Seiler, T.-B., Heger, S., Töpel, A., Sassmann, T., Pich, A., Jakob, F., Schwaneberg, U., Stoffels, P., Philipp, M., Terfrüchte, M., Loeschcke, A., Schipper, K., Feldbrügge, M., Ihling, N., Büchs, J., Bator, I., Tiso, T., Blank, L.M., Roß-Nickoll, M., Hollert, H., 2021. A plea for the integration of Green Toxicology in sustainable bioeconomy strategies – Biosurfactants and microgel-based pesticide release systems as examples. Journal of Hazardous Materials 127800.

New publication on biodiversity

05. November 2021

Please find our latest opinion of anthropogenic pollution and biodiversity loss.

Eastwood, N., Stubbings, W.A., Abou-Elwafa Abdallah, M.A., Durance, I., Paavola, J., Dallimer, M., Pantel, J.H., Johnson, S., Zhou, J., Hosking, J.S., Brown, J.B., Ullah, S., Krause, S., Hannah, D.M., Crawford, S.E., Widmann, M., Orsini, L., 2021. The Time Machine framework: monitoring and prediction of biodiversity loss. Trends in Ecology & Evolution S0169534721002597.

New publication on wastewater treatment

28. September 2021

New publication on wastewater treatment efficiency with respect to endocrine disrutors.

Shuliakevich, A., Schroeder, K., Nagengast, L., Wolf, Y., Brückner, I., Muz, M., Behnisch, P.A., Hollert, H., Schiwy, S., 2022. Extensive rain events have a more substantial impact than advanced effluent treatment on the endocrine-disrupting activity in an effluent-dominated small river. Science of The Total Environment 807, 150887.

New article on flood events in EOS

15. September 2021

Extreme weather events put an increasing burden on mankind (e.g., flood-associated destruction of goods). However, theres is also a strong need to investigate associated secondary effects, such as remobilization of sediment-bound pollutants. In a recent EOS article we highlighted the need for sediment risk assessment as part of extreme weather event monitoring. Please find the article here.

New publication on oil exposure on Zebrafish

07. September 2021

New publication on the adverse effects of crude and chemically dispersed oil on Danio rerio.

Esteban-Sánchez, A., Johann, S., Bilbao, D., Prieto, A., Hollert, H., Seiler, T.-B., Orbea, A., 2021. Multilevel responses of adult zebrafish to crude and chemically dispersed oil exposure. Environ Sci Eur 33, 106.

New publication on wastewater treatment

06. September 2021

New Paper from our DemO3 project in STOTEN on the improvement of wastewater treatment via a full-scale ozonation plant.

Wolf, Y., Oster, S., Shuliakevich, A., Brückner, I., Dolny, R., Linnemann, V., Pinnekamp, J., Hollert, H., Schiwy, S., 2022. Improvement of wastewater and water quality via a full-scale ozonation plant? – A comprehensive analysis of the endocrine potential using effect-based methods. Science of The Total Environment 803, 149756.

New publication on extreme flood events

02. August 2021

E3T has a long history in flood research. With the recent extreme weather events in central Europe the topic of flood events and remobilisation of sediment-bound pollutant is as current as it can possible be. Please find a50 day free access of our publication on Remobilization of pollutants during extreme flood events poses severe risks to human and environmental health here. Additionally, you can check out the related press report on the Goethe University website (English, German).

Sediment sampling in Bad Waldsee

25. June 2021

The questions to which extent humans shaped their environment in earlier times is quite fascinating. However, due to the ongoing anthropgenic influeces on aquatic systems, this question is difficult to investigate. Fortunately the city of bad Waldsee agreed on a sampling campaign in the Bad Waldsee city lake, which has exceptionally well-preserved sediment layers, allowing us to go on an toxicologoical time travel adventure. Please find a full text article on the Bad Waldsee webseite here (German).

New paper on sediment toxicity

23. April 2021

Congrats Alexander Dorn for his first published paper of his PhD thesis in chemosphere on sediment toxicity. Great joint work with colleagues from Bayer Crop Science: Active sampling method enables depth related analysis in OECD TG218/219 systems; Determination of a more realistic concentration to which C. riparius is exposed to; Development of a TOXSWA model simulatingthe model compound behavior. Check it out here.

Dorn, A., Hammel, K., Dalkmann, P., Faber, D., Hellpointner, E., Lamshoeft, M., Telscher, M., Bruns, E., Seidel, E., Hollert, H., 2021. What is the actual exposure of organic compounds on Chironomus riparius? - A novel methodology enabling the depth-related analysis in sediment microcosms. Chemosphere 279, 130424.

Interview: Ecological consequences of flooding events

17. April 2021

Prof. Dr. Henner Hollert was interviewed as a discussion guest on the topic of "Ecological consequences of flooding events" on the program "Alle Wetter" of the Hessischer Rundfunk on 06.04.2021. Here is the recording of the broadcast, if you want to check it out (after 7 min 30 sec).

"Students' Lab: Goethe Goes Environment" Launch

21. February 2021

We are thrilled to announce the Students' Lab: Goethe Goes Environment at the department Evolutionary Ecology & Envorinmental Topxicology (E3T). Based on the successful Student's Lab "Fascination Environment" initiated by Professor Henner Hollert at the RWTH Aachen University in 2009, a similar concept was established at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

For detailed information on the Students' Lab please find the 2020 report attached here.

With great support from many scientific companies as well as the German chemical industry association (VCI, Verband der chemischen Industrie e.V.), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) and the Goethe-University the Students' Lab "Goethe Goes Environment" is equipped with latest state of the art technology to provide an excellent study environment for students at the Goethe University. We like to thank our students lab partners BÜCHI Labortechnik, Eppendorf AG, Faust Laborbedarf AG, ibs tecnomara GmbH, Leica Microsystems GmbH, NeuroBox Norman Network, OMNI Life Science, STARLAB INTERNATIONAL GmbH, Tecan Group AG, ViewPoint Behavior Technology for their great support.

Please visit our Students' Lab website for more information.

We are looking forward to welcome you to our lab!

Search for alternatives to animal testing in toxicology research 

19. February 2021

While many studies take place in a petri glass in toxicology research, for some processes there is still a need for animal components such as serum or liver cell tissue. E3T now seeks to develop a new cell culture technique to replace the use of animal components. Our project won the “CRACK IT" innovation challenge by NC3Rs, a British organisation that works to reduce reliance on animal models in research.

Please find the official press release of the Goethe University here as well as the ounouncement of NC3R here

Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach

12. February 2021

Check out this new publication on endocrine disruption in Danio rerio. Elsevier provides a 50-day open access. Check it out here.

Weitere, M., Altenburger, R., Anlanger, C., Baborowski, M., Bärlund, I., Beckers, L.-M., Borchardt, D., Brack, W., Brase, L., Busch, W., Chatzinotas, A., Deutschmann, B., Eligehausen, J., Frank, K., Graeber, D., Griebler, C., Hagemann, J., Herzsprung, P., Hollert, H., Inostroza, P.A., Jäger, C.G., Kallies, R., Kamjunke, N., Karrasch, B., Kaschuba, S., Kaus, A., Klauer, B., Knöller, K., Koschorreck, M., Krauss, M., Kunz, J.V., Kurz, M.J., Liess, M., Mages, M., Müller, C., Muschket, M., Musolff, A., Norf, H., Pöhlein, F., Reiber, L., Risse-Buhl, U., Schramm, K.-W., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Schmitz, M., Strachauer, U., von Tümpling, W., Weber, N., Wild, R., Wolf, C., Brauns, M., 2021. Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach. Science of The Total Environment 769, 144324.

Congratulations to Faith Kandie on her successful PhD defense

15. January 2021

Today, Faith successfully defended her PhD thesis "Analytical screening of organic chemicals of emerging concern in western Kenya and their contribution to the prevalence of schistosomiasis". Congratulations!

New publication on the effects of estrogen-active compounts on rainbow trout

05. January 2021

Check out our new publication that examines the increased remobilization, bioavailability, and various biological effects on rainbow trout exposed to estrogenic-active compounds from suspensions of contaminated field sediment. The PDF can be downloaded here.

Müller, A.-K., Markert, N., Leser, K., Kämpfer, D., Schiwy, S., Riegraf, C., Buchinger, S., Gan, L., Abdallah, A.T., Denecke, B., Segner, H., Brinkmann, M., Crawford, S.E., Hollert, H., 2021. Bioavailability and impacts of estrogenic compounds from suspended sediment on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology 231, 105719.