How to reach us ?

By subway from Frankfurt Central Station:

Take the subway line U4 (direction: "Frankfurt (Main) Enkheim") until you reach the station "Frankfurt (Main) Willy-Brandt-Platz". There you have to switch to the subway line "U8 (direction: "Frankfurt (Main) Riedberg"), which takes you directly to Campus Riedberg.

By subway from Frankfurt Airport:

Take the train line S8 (direction: "Offenbach (Main)-Offenbach Ost Ostbahnhof") until you reach the station "Frankfurt (Main) Hauptwache". There you have to switch to the subway line U8 (direction: "Frankfurt (Main) Riedberg"), which takes you directly to Campus Riedberg.

By car:

Enter Campus Riedberg from the "Autobahn 661" (exit: "Frankfurt-Heddernheim") via "Marie-Curie-Straße". From there on follow the instructions on the following picture: